
Okay, here's some cool links from people I've met through my life!

First of all, my dance troupe, Footnotes Dance Troupe. My sister, one of the choreographers of the group, has been putting a lot of time and effort into this site.

This is my website at school. It's a pretty aweful website, cause I'm just doing the bare minimum, but go see it anyways!

Next is the site of one of my friends from dance, Lisa.

This is one of my friends from school Ed.

And yet another of my friends from school, Cathy.

This is another person that I know from high school. He's a little strange, but still a friend Mike Smith.

This is a friend from high school Darby's page.

And the last one for now is the Commidiots. Who are buskers that I met during the Busker Festival in Halifax, 2000.

Now for one of the strangest links yet, to the "Smooths."
