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 could write a book about this one!
  But I won't. They are the first band I ever photographed - of course initially I didn't know why I was taking the pictures; it was just part of trying to preserve the memory of my experiences with them at a young age. In fact I was totally disappointed in the visual results from the first few rolls of film in 1992 and 1993: "the colors are too blurry… the band isn't close enough… is that Robert or is that an ant on stage???" Then Goldsmiths happened. I began to see things differently; mentally and visually. I got out those old photos I had taken years ago, and they were suddenly beautiful and meaningful to me. It didn't matter if I could see anything remotely human in those pictures anymore, and I'm not sure if it's because I was starting to grow up, or if it was something else. Probably a little of both….

    Ironically these are my least favorite images - it was around the time i started getting press passes, and after talking to some of the photo-journalists in the pits, i got very insecure when they scoffed at my camera and film choices for those low-light circumstances. unfortunately i let my insecurity get the better of me, and for these Cure concerts i tried out film that the so-called "professionals" recommended that i use, and i was totally unhappy with the results. i suppose i see them as part of a learning process rather than completed works. (you can see more on the Cure's official web site for CureNews - thanks Chris!)