A Fresh Start
by Daniel L. Mansell - 2/23/99
It’s amazing to me these aspects of life
that in time seem to make the world turn.
When all the while so deep within minds
lives the tyrant of lifeless yearns.
So what is the answer and to what does it heed,
is the question as empty as space?
To fulfill the needs of the desparate soul
and to look at life in the face.
So complex they are with ever winding ends
that seem to direct their own path
Comes the eye of the storm yet the back of the strong,
the healing of the tyrant’s wrath.
It feeds at times when oh so needed
and sometimes when never missed.
With no direct path or way to assume
controlled as the temperless fist.
So I ask myself in pondering thoughts
in this unfamiliar voice.
To fulfill the empty void in me
and renew my undying choice.
To recognize the foreign touch
that has pierced the domains of my heart.
And understand its fulfilling richness
so that I can have a fresh start.