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I'm Don Green.

I like to paint things that are easy to understand, but difficult to explain.. Easy to hang, but difficult to pay for.

That was a joke, just in case you missed it.....

Several years ago,when I began to paint mirror frames, I thought it would be interesting to paint the frame as if it were viewed at other than straight on, which is the way that mirrors are normally viewed. Anyway, it doesn't work, because one edge of the mirror always looks out of whack and strangely thick, so I began to devise my own rules of geometry that would allow for the rotating of the space and keep the viewer sufficiently confused that the whole thing would work. The success of this illusion depends on our limited field of view. By looking at one part of the frame and understanding the realtionships evident there, but seeing another adjacent thing that causes a question about the relation on the pieces to the whole, may cause the eye to move around the frame, trying to figure it all out. This was the idea,anyway.

This is a nice little mirror that I designed and painted several years ago. My wife liked it a lot and so I gave it to her.

Here is a detail of the previous mirror....

I also have begun to paint solid electric guitars after giving up the playing of them, and I should have a picture or two of them.as well.

Click here to view this work.

Click here to view a painting or two.

Here are some pictures of a few of my mirror frames. The quality of these photographs is not the best, I'm afraid, partially because they were taken from photographs themselves and not the actual artwork, some of which is no longer in my possession. The first is about 25" in diameter and is oil on wood panel.

This is another, slightly smaller, but in this case oil on canvas over panel. In all of these pictures the mirror has been removed for the photograph.
Here's an odd one - a self-portrait. A mirror is sort of a self-portrait anyway.....

This is a commissioned work which was designed and sold with the kind permission of the Coca-Cola Corporation, Atlanta, Ga. All symbols included within are ©Coca-Cola, Atlanta, Ga.


. This particular mirror is in the kind and protective collection of either Ian Peakes or Connie (aka Con, aka c) Villiers, both of New York, New York, the big apple, etc.

Email me at dgreen9136@aol.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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