Pentax PZ-1p with FA 28-80 f3.5-4.7 lens, on Kodak Royal Gold
100 print film
Exposure data: unrecorded, but if my memory serves me well, it must have
been around 1/15 sec at f5.6 handheld, with the zoom set at the 80mm end.
Description: last autumn I've totally fallen in love with dying leaves,
which has resulted in a lot of photographs of them of course ;-)
I've spotted this particular one in the Bakony mountains of Hungary, and
have immediately became impressed by its strong feel of solitude. After
I've decided that I liked the backlight coming from the sun through the
dying foliage, I've spotmetered the leaf itself with the built-in meter
of the PZ-1p, zoomed in at the 80mm position for the most pleasing
perspective, and opened up the lens to f/5.6 in order to let the
backlight form dominant lightspots in the background (the FA 28-80 is
noticeably soft at the edges wide open, that's why I haven't used
maximum aperture). The exposure came out at about 1/15 sec, and as the
leaf has been too high above the ground for a tripod, I had to
concentrate strongly to be able to handhold the camera vertically for
such a long time. The result, at least for me, is pleasing. Hope you like
it too.