The Top 50 |
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raytracing is all about?
Then perhaps you shouldn’t be here.
Instead, try the POV-Ray
a powerful resource for the POV-Ray user. Difficult object got you
stumped? Can't understand the documentation? Wish you could
ask "how do I do this"?
Your question has probably already been asked -- and answered. Take a look at our collection of questions and answers to your POV-Ray dilemmas. |
Compiled, edited, and maintained by Glenn McCarter.
All quoted material used by permission from
the respective authors.
I wish to thank all contributors for their
inquisitive questions and insightful answers.
If you have a challenging POV-Ray question, post it on the usenet newsgroup comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing and, if someone provides a good answer, we may include it on the next update of this site... | Has this site been useful to you? Send feedback to Glenn McCarter |