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Modelling Tips, Working With Primitives 
 POV-Ray Tips, 
 Tricks, and Techniques
Bounding: Speeding Up Intersections & Differences? 
Martin makes a complex CSG: ...
Jesse comments: intersection {
  blob {
       ...few thousand...
  union {
       cylinder {}
       cylinder {}

In general, I have found that using an intersection with one of the objects being "inverted" is faster than a difference.  In fact, I don't know when the last time I used a difference was.... ;)

Jaime Vives Piqueres has another opinion:
Interesting idea, I must test it, because I use lots of differences. But, for this example its not the same, because the original code from Martin is ONE blob with spheres and cylinders that interact in the blob. I think your solution, in this case, don't looks as Martin expects...

For me, the only solution is to bound by hand...
