
Uwedat® Servicetool











Main Menu Button

Help Button

Load File Button

Save File Button

File Dialog

Uwedat® Servicetool


The Calibration-View shows the recorded calibration-events. Each calibration-event is listed with time-mark, nominal-value, calibration-value, calibration result and reason of calibration. These detailed informations are usefull for maintenance and data-quality prove. The environmental monitoring station is capable to record up to 120 calibration-events.



The calibration-table consists of 8 columns
1 column: time-mark of the calibration-event
2 column: the calibrated device
3 column: nominal value at zero-point
4 column: calibration value at zero-point
5 column: nominal value at calibration-point
6 column: calibration value
7 column: calibration result (quality)
8 column: calibration reason

Time-mark This display-field shows the time and date the calibration-event has occured at.
The date-format is DD-MM (day-month)
The time-format is 24 hours from 00:01 to 24:00
CompNr This display-field indicates the calibrated measuring-device by device-number (Device ID and Sub ID).
Calibration-value The calibration-values are grouped into two couples. The first couple of values shows the nominal-value and the calibration-value for zero-point calibration, the second couple of values shows the nominal-value and calibration-value for span-calibration.
Quality The result of the calibration is described by the quality indicator
VALID: valid calibration is used for data-correction
POOR: poor calibration is used for data-correction
valid: valid calibration, is not used at all
poor: poor calibration, is not used at all
INVALID: calibration not applicable for data-correction
invalid: calibration is not used at all

Reason The reason for the calibration is described by a single letter
P: scheduled calibration (periodic)
L: forced calibration due to limit-exceedings
I: forced calibration after power-fail (initialize)
M: calibration initiated by central monitoring system or technician
A: forced calibration after device power-fail (analizer-device)

Sorting The calibration-events are sorted by time-marks in ascending order (new events first). You can re-sort the events in descending order (oldest event first) by double-click on the time-mark table-head.

Each column of the calibration-table can be sorted in ascending and descending order, sometimes the result may be not very usefull. To restore the initial sorting-sequence simply close and re-open the Calibration-View.


Main Menu ButtonQuit the Calibration-View and returns to the Main-View.
Help ButtonCalls the online-help for the Calibration-View (this chapter)
Load File ButtonLoad a calibration-file from a archive (harddisk or floppy) to the Servicetool and display them. Use the file-dialog to select the approbiate file. The calibration-files always have the file-extension "kal".
Save File ButtonSave the actual loaded calibration-list to a archive-file (harddisk or floppy). Use the file-dialog for filename and subdirectory-selecting. The calibration-files always have the file-extension "kal".
File Dialog The look and behaviour of the file-dialog depends on the operation system of your Service-Tool PC. The example shows a file-dialog used with the operation system MS Windows.

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