
Uwedat® Servicetool




Device ID


Close Button

Help Button

Mouse Click

Double Click

Uwedat® Servicetool


The Device Selector is a external, floating window which is used together with the Data-View, the Command-Menu and the Device-View. It is always on the top of the work-view window. The device-selector shows both the equipment (device-inventory) and the state of the individual devices (measuring, idle, edited). With the Device-Selector single or multiple devices can be selected via mouse-click and unambiguous user-actions can be started with double-click.



The selector shows the available devices (the equipment) by device-number and device-name. The state of the device is announced by color coded bullets:

yellow: Device ON ( measuring)

gray: Device OFF (idle)

blue: VMV measurement is selected

persistent device selection

A green rendered device name indicates the device is loaded and ready for editing

Device ID Devices are identified by a shortname (7 characters), which can be created by the user without restriction (ie. TempAir), and by a Device ID (3 digits).

The Device ID consists of a two digit unique type identifier (ie temperature = 13) combined with a one-digit sub-identifier to distinguish multiple devices of same type. If, for instance, a temperature-sensor is used to measure the air-temperature and a second sensor is provided for surface-temperature, the IDs of these two sensors are 131 and 132.


Close ButtonHides the Device-Selector. To make the Device-Selector visible again click the show-selector symbol placed on the work-menu
Help ButtonCalls the online-help for the Device-Selector (this chapter)
Mouse Click A Mouse Click on the device-name selects the device, the selected device-name is emphasized by the focus. All subsequent user-actions (ie. load, remove) are applied to the selected device.
Double Click A Double Click on the device-name activates an action to the device. Unambiguous user-actions (ie. display a data-diagram) are performed immediately, otherwise the selection of the device becomes persistent (memorized) for a subsequent action. Persistent selections are normally used to apply user-actions with device-groups. A persistent selection is released with a subsequent Double Click.

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