"I am lost in my own mind." - The Wheel of Time

waking dream
should've have known
it would be like this

washing away my thoughts
can't remember what i dreamt
myself today
                                      saw what you wanted,
                                      thought everything was right,

                                      another side of me
                                      fades away...
daydream crash
damage so natural
seething behind empty eyes

line  your face,
record your fate

so much for the gentle smiles,
and good intentions

random words
are cracked reflections
of unspoken thoughts

dreams you try to keep,
never stay.

moonlight & cherry blossoms
                               you can hide,
                               but it won't do any good.

& tommorrow

man on the radio
the weather isn't good
mouth stinks
and eyes hurt
a few more minutes...

autumn leaves
                                     summer came
                                     and went away,
                                     was it the same for you?



the humming bird's last breath
                               a moment, a memory...
                               dreams merge.  

                               quiet laughter,
                               feathers on the floor.

the shepherd's tale
as the day gives way to night,
innocence crumbles into dust.

a dream is lost
with the coming of the sun.