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Shantell Web Excellence Award

Thanks to Shantell's Heart
Award won on 23 August 1997


awarded by !!!

Thanks to ToiletDucky
Award won on 23 August 1997
" Really cool page you have there! Your site has won because of it's good content and design, together with its neat interface and graphics. I really like it very much! "

Quatec's Website Design Award
Quatec's Best!

" Your site was reviewed for originality, usefulness of information, graphic design, and was found to add an outstanding artistic flair, careful and concise design, and a wealth of information. Your site only enhances the originality of our internet community. Job well done! "


A Catfish Pond Favorite Site Award

Thanks to Catfish Pond
Award won on 24 August 1997
" It is very obvious that a lot of thought and work went into
designing and maintaining your pages. "

Bunny Award

Thanks to Micheal Betz
Award Won on 24 August 1997

Bluboo Personal Page Award

Thanks to Bluboo-Prodigy Internet
Award won on 24 August 1997
" Best wishes formuch success! I truly enjoyed every bit of your page! "


Bluboo All Ages Group Award

Thanks to Bluboo-Prodigy Internaet again !!
Award won on 24 August 1997


Worth A Peek Award

Award won on 25 August 1997


Angel Award

Award won on 28 August 1997
" Your site is beautifully done and surely made with love! "


You Rock Me!

Award won on 28 August 1997
" Your graphics are fantastic and your content is very interesting. You've put a lot of time and effort into your site and it shows! And so does your tremendous artistic talent!! "

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