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Fan Art Gallery...
This section is specially allocated for talented die-hard fans to display their tribute to Calvin and Hobbes in the form of pictures, drawings, etc. Please take note that all Calvin and Hobbes related images in these pages are Copyright � Bill Watterson and United Press Syndicate. None of these people below are the creator of Calvin and Hobbes but merely a fan of the comic.
"I just did up a little illustration to vent my frustration on the current
trend of 'pissing Calvin' stickers on the backs of automobiles from
Adam Kline
Nevada City, CA
If there is anything which you would like to contribute to this page, do not hesitate to send it to me at
I will try to put it up as soon as possible. Please do not send any obscene or rude contributions. Thanks a lot.
A JelArt Studios Production. Page Design Copyright (c)
Jellio` 1997-2006. All Calvin and
Hobbes related images in these pages are Copyright (c)
Bill Watterson and United Press Syndicate. This page is
my own tribute in honour of Calvin and Hobbes 1985-1995. All pictures
on my page should be seen only as an encouragement to buy
C+H books.