Faye's Home Page
My name is Faye. I am the mother of three daughters Victoria, Elizabeth, and Heather. We have two cats and some pet mice.
I am trying to change this old, stale web site.  if anyone reads this I was lucky and did not destroy the whole thing. I am going to try to start beading again. The youngest is in college and I might have a little time.
Please check out the following pages of beadwork.
Latest beadwork.
My daughters' beadwork.
Some beadwork.
Spring Swap Gift.
More beadwork.
A Secret Pal gift.
Beadwork Links.
On some of these pages you can click on thumbnails of beadwork to see enlarged pictures.
I will be adding more pictures and links. Please let me know if anyone has a link they would like me to put on my site.
E-mail me!
This BeadThing Ring site is owned by Faye Hobbs.
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