All new characters and situations are the sole property and responsibility of the author. This fiction bears my copyright of the date above.
My apologies to Joe Cocker and to the movie, "Full Monty." I couldn't help
Any mistakes are mine.
Blair sat behind the cluttered desk in his tiny office. "No, Jordan," he
resolutely informed one of his star pupils.
She leaned forward, her hands clasped tightly together as she waved them
under his nose to punctuate her entreaty. "But, it's for a good cause."
"No," he avoided her look by keeping his eyes on the papers in his hands.
"But it's a sellout," she emphasized as she eased around the desk.
"Get someone else." He grumbled, turning slightly away.
She knelt by his side looking up at him with the same sad puppy expression
she'd seen him use on his detective. "There isn't anybody else! Blair, they
paid for four shows."
"Get one of the other three groups to go on twice."
The curly-headed man sighed wearily, the crushes some of his student's
had on him were common knowledge. He tried a different tract. "How
about: I'm no dancer?"
Jordan dismissed this argument with an impatient wave of her hand.
"Blair, you have a natural grace."
Not willing to give up the fight, he tried again. "How about one day isn't
enough time to get ready?"
"Mr. Sandburg, I'm not asking for the Chippendales," she informed him as
she rose to her feet.
"Good, cause they'd definitely be disappointed."
"All they want is a little bump and grind," she smiled at him as she
He raised an eyebrow at her display. "And a lot of skin."
"You and your SO could do it together," she said brightly as she leaned on
the desk.
"I think not," he said, stressing each word.
Jordan visibly deflated. "He's still against it, huh?"
"He wouldn't object if he were up there with you."
Blair had to laugh. "He wouldn't be up there with me, Jordan. And,
besides, he's off on a camping trip."
"Monday," he said, eying her warily. "Why?"
"Then, you can do it, and he'd never know."
He smiled. "No can do, Jordan. That'd be lying." The minute that
statement left his lips he knew it was the beginning of the end.
She blinked at him several times before dissolving into tears. "But I don't
have anybody else!" she wailed. "Not anybody who looks like you do!
Think of all the money it'd raise," Jordan paused, looking carefully at his
face. Smelling weakening, she went in for the kill, "for the kids' camp."
"Jordan--" He lost a little more ground.
"Jordan--" Time to look for a white flag?
Blair hung his head, his shoulders slumping. "All right. I'll do it." Then,
looking up at her sharply, threatened, "But, if Jim ever finds out--"
She frowned, as she tried something else. "G-strings?"
Her frowned deepened. She thought of arguing a moment, but finally
said, "Okay, deal." She paused, then dropped the other shoe. "Now, do
you have a friend?"
Wide eyed with shock, he repeated, "A friend?"
"It's just for a bunch of college students, well, they're not all college
students, but most are."
"It's not in the buff." Blair went on the defensive. "Hey, man, it's your
body. He doesn't own it."
"Oh, please!" the younger man scoffed. "I've seen some of the things you
wear! You'd have on more than that thing you call a bathing suit!"
Justin turned pink. "I don't wear that anymore. He took it away," he
confessed reluctantly. And when Blair started laughing he added, "Not
funny! You should see the thing he got to replace it! It comes half way
down my thighs." Justin shuddered. "Nope, can't help you with this one,
"How about one of your teacher friends?"
"They all said no."
"How about those cop friends of yours? I know one of them would do it."
"If you're so uncomfortable with this, you have to know it's not right."
"But, he's with Jim. And they're miles away."
Justin shook his head. "Not good enough, man! They're still on the
Blair put both hands on his hips. "I'm not above blackmail."
"It wasn't supposed to rain," Choate grumbled, scowling at the sky.
"Rain we could've handled." Ellison indicated the deluge that fell around
them. "This'd make you think about building an ark."
"I could eat," the big Marine said, replacing the phone.
Blair adjusted himself under his clothes. "I just hope the patch stays in
Justin looked at him skeptically, hoping that was all it was. "I guess."
Ellison followed his table mate's assessing gaze. "You're right. Wonder
where everybody is?"
The older man shrugged as he buttered another roll. "Maybe they'll be in
"Yeah," the Sentinel took a long swallow of beer, "maybe."
The two young men wandered nervously backstage, wiping sweaty palms
on their thighs. Both were dressed in studded black leather jackets, black
pants, black 'T' and black scarves knotted loosely around their necks. A
thin, black, silver-studded leather belt rested in the belt loops around their
trim waists, and black boots with silver chains around the ankles covered
their feet. Black police uniform hats fitted tightly on their heads to hold
their hair in place, completed the ensemble.
"What's wrong?" Choate asked, his own plate clean, bottle of beer, empty.
Joe Cocker's, 'You Can Leave Your Hat On' started to play.
Jim quickly reached into his wallet, extracting several bills threw them
haphazardly on the table. "Let's go."
Blair and Justin each bounced out center stage as she called their name,
standing side by side, just as the harmony of the song started. They smiled
and waved to the audience then assumed their positions: their knees and
elbows slightly bent, hands in fists.
"We know you ladies will be generous in your contributions tonight." She
turned. "Mr. Sandburg, Mr. Evers, they're all yours."
They rolled the left side of their jackets off their shoulders, hips never
missing a beat. Money began raining onto the baskets by the stage at their
feet. Some people running all the way from the back of the room to
deposit their money and get a better look.
Both men stepped around in tight circles, keeping their hips in motion the
entire time to the music. Attendants slipped in to take the full baskets away
and replace them with empty ones.
He and Justin then made another full circle. A gentleman began waving
his Platinum American Express at an attendant, another, a Gold Visa
Justin smiled at a group table, center stage, winked and blew them a wet
kiss. The woman in the middle pretended to catch it. Two of her friends
tried to wrestle it away, a third waved what looked like a set of keys.
Rolling their hips in a circle, they pulled up to their feet. Someone at the
back of the room screamed, "Help me!"
You can leave your hat on
"Chill, man!" Blair snapped as he mirrored the smaller man's moves. "I'll
just tell him it was all my fault."
Justin ignored him as he pulled his shirt over his head, tangling his hair
about his face. Fighting with the animated, silken black tentacles for
several seconds, he finally gave up and threw himself down into a nearby
chair. "Why did I listen to you in the first place?!"
After a long appraising look, he told him truthfully, "Because it was fun."
That answer startled the smaller man. "I must've been out of my mind."
Justin leaned down to pull on his socks. "He's gonna kill me."
"If you're so upset by how he treats you, leave him." Taking out a band, he
secured his hair in a ponytail.
Stopping in the act of retrieving his shoes, he looked up sharply. "What?"
"You seem concerned," he stressed the word, "about your lover's reaction.
Why are you so afraid? Nothing really happened."
"Is that what you're going to say to law enforcement?" Justin asked,
pulling on the right shoe.
"Hey, man, obviously Jim isn't on my ass like the Chief Aide is on yours,"
he said with confidence as he slipped his glass on.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Justin asked, becoming annoyed with the
tract the conversation had taken.
Blair crossed his arms against his chest. "I mean, I'm not afraid to go
home with him."
"Is that what you think?"
"Isn't that the way you feel?"
Justin smiled a small sad smile as he slid on the left shoe. "No. I never feel
abused or unloved when he spanks me. I feel loved and protected and very
much cared for."
"You don't believe that." Blair said with disbelief as he resumed dressing.
"I don't?"
"If you do, that means you stage these little 'scenes' to make him spank
"Oh, wow! You caught me. Closet masochist," he said nastily. "Hurt me,
baby! Hurt me sooo bad!" he crooned.
"Stop it, Justin."
"No, you stop it!" Justin snapped as he stood up and began working the
tangles from his hair. "I don't think, oh, this is a good way to get my rump
roasted and suddenly develop a boner. You're confusing discipline with
foreplay, my man."
"And you're not?"
Justin made a rude noise. "There's only one place the thought of a spanking
gets me hot, and it doesn't have anything to do with the front of me. To me,
domestic discipline is caring enough to correct. It's Paddy making me take
responsibility my actions, not prelude to a kiss."
"Justin, you're old enough to take responsibility for yourself."
"Yeah, I guess I am. But sometimes I just don't." He picked up his jacket and
the small bundle of clothes he wore on stage. "I can't explain it to you, Blair,
or you understand and don't really want to admit it. All I can say is, what
Paddy and I have works for us. I guess that's all that matters, isn't it?" He
headed for the door.
"And you don't hate him afterward?"
"Probably about as much as you hate law enforcement."
Choate watched the expression on Ellison's face as they waited in the hall
for their guys to finish dressing. "What are they saying?" he asked quietly.
Jim turned, giving the Marine a penetrating glare. "They're discussing what
we're going to do to them when we get them home."
"There can't be much speculation on Justin's part."
"No, he's pretty sure." The cop in Jim made him pause. "Do you think Justin
is afraid to go home with you?"
"Is that what he's saying?"
The Sentinel shook his head. "Blair accused him of being afraid to go home
with you. That he thinks you'll hurt him."
"You think I abuse Justin?"
He shook his head. "The kid doesn't strike me as someone who'd put up with
'abuse' very long."
"Neither's Blair."
"No. He'd be packed and out of the loft in a heartbeat."
The Marine nodded.
"So, are you mad?"
A tiny smile graced Choate's face. "Maybe, if I could get the image of that
tight little butt shaking across the stage out of my mind."
"Got you hot, too?"
"You, me and a warehouse full of people."
Jim's brow furrowed for a second. "Yeah, but, they're going home with us."
"I can't let him take the blame on this," Blair said, not able to take the silence
of the truck any longer. He sat next to Jim and wedged between him and
Choate, by the door, was a very miserable Justin.
"Not to make light of your powers of persuasion, Mr. Sandburg, but Justin's
not a sheep. He knew what he was doing."
Jim pulled the truck up next to the Jeep parked out in front of the loft.
Choate opened the door and stepped out just as Ellison did the same.
"I'll take a rain check on the beer, Ellison," he said gruffly as he held the door
open long enough for Justin to slide out.
"Sure, anytime," was all the Sentinel said.
Choate put the key in the door. "Don't be rude, little boy."
Justin looked up at him with wide eyes, then turned back to the couple behind
them. "'Nite, detective, Blair," he said softly.
"Call you tomorrow, Justin."
The smaller man nodded as he opened the door his lover unlocked and slid
Choate started the Jeep and pulled away.
Jim and Blair watched them drive out of sight.
"He thinks he's gonna punish him," Blair said, as Jim opened the door.
"Yeah, I heard."
"Do you agree with what Justin said?" he asked as he stepped inside.
"That the discipline works for them?" Jim tossed his keys in the basket.
Blair took off his jacket and hung it up. "Yeah." He turned back to his lover
and reached out his hand to take his.
"They seem happy." Jim handed it to him. "Justin doesn't strike me as a
victim. Why all the questions, Chief?"
"Just wondering." He said as he began aimlessly wandering around the
kitchen, taking out the tea kettle, starting to fill it, putting it back on the
"Wondering, what?" Jim asked him as he sat on the couch and picked up the
"Are you mad about what happened?"
Jim began channel surfing. "More disappointed than mad," he said,
The young Guide eased closer to the couch. "Disappointed?"
"That you'd go behind my back." His Sentinel looked up at him meaningfully.
Blair balanced himself on the couch arm. "It wasn't behind your back, Jim."
He clicked off the tv. "Oh?"
"It wasn't like I robbed a bank or anything. It was a harmless show for
"You knew how I felt about this. I thought you felt the same way."
"I did."
"You said you felt uncomfortable."
"I did, but--"
"You wanted to help them some other way."
"I did, but Jordan--"
"Didn't have anything to do with it. You made the decision."
"But you weren't here."
"So, if I'd been here, you would've said, no again?"
"So this is Jordan's fault for asking you, and my fault because I left you for
the weekend?"
"I didn't say that!"
"I thought you were all right with my going away with Choate."
"I thought I was, too."He paused. "Now that I look back, I guess I was kind
of jealous."
"Jealous? Of Choate? Why?"
"Because of the easy camaraderie between you two."
"But, we have that, too."
"It's different with us. It's different with you two."
"Choate and I are just two old war horses."
"I know. But he shares a part of you I can never have."
"Like you share a part of me no one else can, babe. You know that."
"I know." Blair paused. "So, are you mad?"
"It was a stupid thing to do."
"I know."
"And getting Justin involved when you knew it would get him into trouble
was mean."
"He could've said no."
"I don't think so, teach. You knew he'd be anxious for company, with
Choate away. Seems like you took advantage of him. Maybe, a little
revenge on the Councilor's Aide while you were at it?"
"Hey, you're reading way more into this than there is."
"And all that talk about him hating Choate afterwards, is that how you
Blair plucked at a hole in his jeans. "No. But--" He stopped, all his attention
focused on the hole.
Jim waited, then asked. "No. But, what?"
Blair looked up. "No, but I don't like it."
"You're not supposed to like it."
"And I wish you wouldn't do it."
Jim watched Blair's restless hands a moment. "All right. I won't."
He looked up sharply. "Won't this time?"
"Won't ever again." Ellison picked up the remote control.
"I don't believe it."
"Believe it, Chief," he said as he began surfing again.
He was quiet for several minutes, watching his Sentinel warily. "This is some kind of trick."
"No trick," he said, eyes fastened on the flickering images on the tv screen.
Blair watched him a few moments more. "So, you don't care?"
"Oh, I care."
"And we're not going to fight about it?"
"You aren't going to yell at me?"
"Or pout?"
He glanced over at the confused young man. "I do not pout."
"This is it?"
Jim gave his Guide his full attention. "What do you want from me, Chief?"
"I don't know. After all that speel about being disappointed in me, I thought
I'd have to at least listen to a lecture."
"No lecture." Jim put down the remote. "I'm going to bed."
"Wait!" Blair caught him by the arm.
"What, Chief?"
Blair sighed heavily before crawling off the couch's arm and across his
Sentinel's lap.
"What's this?"
He rested his head on the cushions of the couch. "An epiphany."
Opening the front door to the Councilor's residence, Choate let Justin go
inside first.
By the time he'd shut and locked the door, Justin was halfway up the stairs.
"Did you get dinner?" Choate asked, stopping at the foot of the stairs.
"I'm not hungry," Justin said in a soft voice as he continued up.
"That's not like you. How about I fix us both a snack? Maybe a couple of
Justin looked down at him sadly. "All right, Paddy."
"Meet you in my suite in a few."
"Fine," came the almost unheard answer.
Fifteen minutes later, Choate opened the door to his rooms, balancing a tray
on his arm. He had placed it on the small table by the fireplace before
looking around the room from his lover. He found Justin curled up in the
large armchair by a cold fireplace. He was completely nude, his hair flowing
all around him. The picture of him dancing on stage flashed through his
mind again.
"¡Joder! ¡Tan hermoso! ¡Le amaré, por siempre!" Choate whispered, not
aware he'd spoken out loud.
Justin stirred, looking up expectantly. The words' meaning escaped him, but
the tone. . .the tone was not one of anger. "Paddy?"
"Yes, Justin?"
"Are you mad at me?"
"That depends."
"On the answer to my next question. Why'd you do it?"
"Why'd I do what? Dance?"
"It was stripping, little boy," he corrected sternly.
Justin drew his legs up tighter, resting his forehead on his knees. He thought
two seconds about lying. "You left me alone."
"I've left you alone before."
"That was business."
"And this was?"
"Fun without you."
Justin hid his face against his knees. "No."
"Yes. That's what this is all about." Choate put his hands on his hips. "You
were jealous," he accused.
"I was not!" he said looking up sharply.
"Then, you didn't think I'd be upset?"
Justin lowered his head, hiding his face behind a fall of hair."No. I knew
you'd be upset," he confessed reluctantly.
"And you did it anyway?"
"Not because you'd be upset," he said softly. "Because I wanted to show
"Show off?"
He looked up, smoothing hair away from his mouth. "All those people,
screaming about me."
"A little ego stroking?"
"You make it sound bad." Justin sighed again. "I needed to prove I was
"Excuse me?"
"You walked away. Left me."
"I went on a camping trip with Jim Ellison, not some lost weekend lust
affair." Choate came to stand over his little love. "I wish you'd discussed it
with me first."
"The dancing, or the way I felt?"
"Both, and it was stripping."
"You'd have said, no to the first one," he said quietly, looking up into those
dark eyes.
"Probably. But only because I want to keep you to myself."
Justin smiled hesitantly. "Nothing'll change that, Paddy. Not ever."
"Just like nothing'll change the way I feel about you?" He held up his left
hand so Justin could see the ring. "Always and forever?"
The smile on Justin's face tilted downward a little. "Guess I forgot about
that, huh?"
Choate took him by the upper arms and lifted him until he could look into his
face. "Seems like you forgot about a lot of things this weekend." He sat in
the chair and settled Justin face down across his knees. "But I know a great
memory enhancer."
"Aww, Paddy." Justin squirmed as his lover moved his hair out of the way.
Choate smoothed his hand across the luscious mounds and Justin tensed.
When the first swat came, Justin frowned. It stung, but, far from the spanks
of the past, that's all it did.
The second on wasn't any harder, but, any moment, Justin knew his lover's
hand would gain momentum and he'd be doomed. He tensed his muscles in
anticipation. By the third, his bottom had begun to warm. The fourth
started a tingling. The fifth delivered hard enough to make him yelp.
"I just wanted to make sure I had your attention," Choate said, rubbing his
hand across the heated flesh.
"Yes!" Justin yelped as his lover's hand fell again.
"Good," he said, spanking him again, "I wouldn't want to have to start from
the beginning.
"No!" Justin's bottom rose and jiggled with the next swat. "I heard
everything you said, Paddy! Please! I'll remember!"
"But, will you understand?" He spanked his squirming lover again.
"Yes, Paddy! Yes!"
One more hard swat to punctuate the lesson, and Choate lifted the young
man to his feet.
Justin rubbed at his warm bottom with both hands. He knew how easy the
big Marine had been on him. "The corner?" he asked in a small voice.
"No," he said, moving the smaller man's hands aside to replace with his
own. "I have something else planned for you."
Justin gasped as the large hands cupped his cheeks and drew him closer, his
chest just inches from his lover's face. "Oh?"
"Yes, dulce," Choate said, just before taking the small brown nipple that
tempted him into his mouth.
Justin clasped the strong shoulders before him for anchor as the sensations
form that hot mouth closing over sensitive nipples arched through him.
Choate pulled the naked body into his lap.
"Oooo, Paddy," Justin crooned as he laved the tight bud. When it had
congested to a pebble hard peak, Choate switched to the other. "Ahhh!"
The big Marine quickly finished with the second nipple and pulled Justin
down to stop the sounds coming from his lover with his own mouth.
Justin wrapped his arms around the strong neck and opened his mouth wide.
Lifting Justin as he stood, he carried him over to the bed gently laying him
The younger man watched in helpless concentration as his lover slowly took
off his clothes, watching the play of emotions on his audience's face.
Naked, Choate crawled over the small figure. Turning Justin over on his
stomach, he spread his legs wide.
Young Evers' hands tightened in the sheets as he felt Choate's hands cup the
roundness of his derriere. Burying his face in the crumbled bedclothes, he
sobbed, tensing his muscles in anticipation, then cried out in surprise as he
felt the hot tongue enter him.
"Shit, Paddy! Damn!" Justin screamed as he humped down into the mattress
hard twice and came in a blind rush.
When he came back into himself, Choate's hands were rubbing soothing
circles over his shoulders and back. His lover's voice as warm, comforting
presence in his head.
"Mmmm," he murmured and felt strong hands turn him over.
"Back with me?"
"Oh, Paddy. Wow." Justin regarded him with heavy eyes.
Justin stretched, arching his groin against the warm length of his lover.
"Oh, I don't know. I got a prize."
"If you thought that was a prize, then you'll love this," the big Marine
whispered as he reached for the lube on the nightstand and handed it to him.
Justin blinked, absently taking the tube from the strong fingers. "Danza?"
The chief aide smiled as he gently reversed their positions and stretched out
on the bed. "Danza para mí, dulce," the deep voice taunted as his hands ran
slowly up and down Justin's quivering thighs. "Dance for me."
Justin straddled his lover's hips, comprehension slowly dawning. He was on
top. It had been a long time and he'd blown it big time the last time.
Languidly, Justin squeezed a generous amount of the clear gel onto his
fingers. With a wicked smile, he reached behind himself and made a great
show of inserting his fingers inside himself, his eyes drifting closed as his
digits entered his body.
The big Marine watched, his erection painfully full, as his imp pleasured
Justin began to bounce up and down in counter rhythm to his fingerfucking.
"¡Prisa, dulce! No me duraré de largo, asustado."
Justin positioned himself. Slowly sliding down the great, heated length until
his bottom came flush with Choate's groin.
He couldn't help himself. He felt so full. The rock hard slab of flesh was so
good. He howled his lover's name.
Choate gripped the engorged cock before him with one hand, steadying his
lover by his hand on his hip. "Danza, amantito. Como hizo para las
audiencias. Muévase al la música en su cabeza. ¿Siéntame? ¿Dentro de
"So hot, Paddy!" Justin moaned, raising up on his knees.
"Tan caliente, dulce."
Then sliding back down. "So hard!"
"Tan duro."
His movements gaining momentum. "Too full. . .oh!"
And they came together in an explosion of joy.
Blair slowly opened his eyes. He was in their bed, on his side, facing away
from Jim. Why? Slowly, it came back to him.
Turning, he found himself staring into the eyes of his Sentinel. "Morning,
With a soft cry, Blair launched himself into Jim's arms.
Ellison, detecting the change in his lover's heartbeat, opened them just in
time to receive the bundle of his heart's desire. He held him tight.
"I'm soo sorry, Jim."
"Shhh, it's all right, babe," he crooned, stroking the disarray of curls beneath
his chin.
"No, it's not, but it will be!" Blair looked up and closed the distance between
their mouths.
The sheet slid away from the bodies as the young Guide eased himself over
the muscles chest beneath him. He remembered. He remembered it all. The
muscles of his bottom burned and ached with the exertions of his
movements, but it didn't matter. What did matter was the man beneath him.
The flesh and heat and bone and blood that made of the greatest love of his
All the emotions he felt at that moment raced through him, centering on a
place just south of his navel. He wanted Jim inside him, but the ache behind
him told him that was impossible and he didn't have the patience to reverse
their positions to bury himself deeply inside the tightness of his lover. He
had to have him now or die.
Leaning forward, he drank from the salty well of Jim's throat. The curtain of
his hair fell, shuttering the early morning light from the Sentinel's sight, but
enveloping him in an essence that caused his heart to race, and his own cock
to swell.
"Blair," he whimpered.
"Shhh," Blair whimpered back. "Hush, love. Just a minute." The Guide
aligned their erections, the weeping trail of moisture from both of them
mixing to ease the way.
Contact ignited along their flesh, searing them.
Both began to move, simultaneously, the pressure building in their blood
vessels and vital organs.
The pleasure, nearly unbearable.
Jim closed his arms tightly around the study body above him and pressed
upward, grinding his hips.
Blair moaned into the hollow of the throat he'd been licking. "I love you,
Jim," he panted, highlighting each word with a rotation of his hips against
the pleasure below him. "You don't know how much."
Jim released the hold he had on the animated hips driving him crazy and
tangled them in the tousled curls to steady the face in front of him. "Oh, yes I
do," he replied, his hips answering Blair's demands.
Then they caught fire.
The Sentinel saw the heat ignite them.
And they burned. Their flames lighting the room.
Calling out each other's names.
by BCW
April 26, 1998
"Pleaaasseeee, Bllaaaiiirrr," the soft, female voice pleaded pitifully.
"They paid for four different shows." She placed a hand on his arm to
underscore her urgency.
Finally, abandoning the pretense of grading papers, he looked down at
her. "Jordan, no one would pay to see me dance."
She made a rude noise. "Helll-lllo? You are kidding, right?"
"Is that why you said 'no' when I first asked for volunteers?"
"One of the reasons."
"Without you?" she asked, surprised by his admission. She'd thought they
were inseparable.
The smile remained in place. "He went with a military buddy. Too much
testosterone for me."
Her look became calculated. "When will he be back?"
"Then, don't tell him."
"No, Jordan," Blair said with finality.
"Jordan--" he said, as threatening as he could.
"Underprivileged kids--" she crooned.
"Who don't get to go to camp, if not for contributions--"
"Or charity auctions to raise money for scholarships."
She held up placating hands. "He won't, Blair! How could he?"
"And I'm not taking off all my clothes."
"But it's advertised as 'Full Monty!'"
"That's the deal, Jordan. Take it, or leave it."
He nodded. "But I get to pick it."
"Two, Blair." She held up the appropriate fingers. "It has to be two."
"You want me to what?"
"You want me to what?"
"In a warehouse behind the university."
"You want me to what?"
"It's for charity."
"And that's all the defense I have to save me? When Paddy finds out I'm
parading around in the buff in front of a warehouse full of college
students, I'm dead."
"Yeah, but I gave him sole rights to access when I committed to him. That
includes looking at me nude."
"I don't know anyone else."
The young Guide looked at him in total disbelief. "Did you hit your head?"
Blair gave the smaller man a hard, accessing glare. "Who are you, really?"
"Someone who's going for his fourth month without having to eat
standing up. That's a record for me."
"It's just one night!"
"Blair, we'll get caught--"
"It's for the children!"
"Blair, it won't work, I'm telling you--"
"Bat Phone? *666?" He waggled his eyebrows.
"You wouldn't!" Justin exclaimed, a shocked expression on his face.
"Not normally, but I'm a desperate man."
Justin sighed. "I could easily learn to hate you, you know," he said softly,
without heat or malice.
"It was a great idea, at the time," Ellison said as they reentered the city
"We'll try again."
"Yeah, soon. I enjoyed it while it lasted."
"The guys'll be surprised we got back early."
As soon as they were in range, Jim took out his cell phone and dialled the
loft. He got the answering machine. "Damn, he's not home. If I know my
Blair, he's elbow deep in research at some library right now. I hope it's on
Choate tried Justin's cell phone. Nothing. "Justin's probably made dinner
plans with that Gideon character."
"Speaking of dinner. You hungry?"
"I know this great steak house across from the university. We can have
dinner, go back to the loft for some beers, watch the rest of the game--"
"Sounds like a plan."
"Okay," Blair said, adjusting Justin's scarf for the second time. "Do you
have the routine down?"
"If I watch that scene from the movie another time, I'll scream." He batted
Blair's hands away. "We've practiced it ten times! We've got it!"
"If I put any more adhesive on it, you'll have to steam it off. Will you stop
Blair nodded. "Yeah. Stage fright, I guess."
"This steak is excellent," Choate said, cutting a big slice from a medium
rare, one-inch Porterhouse. "I have to remember this place."
"Yeah, the food is great, which is probably why it's always so crowded."
Choate looked around at the nearly empty room. "Doesn't seem crowded
to me."
Jim had just wiped his mouth with his napkin, his meal finished, and lay it
on the table next to his plate, when a strange look settled on his face.
Jim held his hand up for silence as he turned his head to one side, listening.
"Gentle People! We have saved the best of our dynamic duos for last. Our
final card this evening--"
"Our own, Blair Sandburg and, his friend, Justin Evers."
"Where are we going?" Choate asked, following suit.
"This way," the Sentinel called over his shoulder, already out of the door.
"Déjà vu, Ellison," the Marine said wryly as he followed him.
By the time, the drum's beat joined the horns they had begun rolling their
hips to the music.
Baby take off your coat
Real slow. . .
They turned sideways to the audience and shifted the right side of their
jackets down to mid-chest rocking their hips to the drums.
Take off your shoes
I'll take off your shoes
Baby take off your dress
They sensuously slid the coats all the way down their arms, catching them
in their hands.
yes, yes, yes
Then swung their coats around three times before flinging them off stage
behind them.
you can leave your hat on
you can leave your hat on
After another full turn, they met up in the middle, back to back, their sides
facing the audience, hands clasped in each others' and they walked slowly
together down the center stage exaggerated rocking of their hips.
you can leave your hat on
They circled each other and sashayed back up to center stage.
Go over there
Crossing each other, they did another turn around the stage.
turn on the light
ehh, all right!
Blair made eye contact with a small group of ladies at a front table, tipping
his hat, he winked as he bumped his hip in their direction. They squealed
with delight, fanning themselves with their napkins. Three frantically
began writing checks.
come over here
stand on that chair
yeah, that's right
The men sashayed back up to center stage and turned to face the crowd.
Justin positioned himself behind Blair.
raise your arms in the air
Blair ducked as Justin leapt over him to land on his knees, letting his
momentum carry him down the runway.
Blair spun once, falling to his knees and sliding down after him. The two
stopped side by side in front of the screaming mob, stretching their arms
above their heads, finger fanned wide, and shook them in time to the
now shake 'em
Turning back to face the audience, they bent at the waist, rocking their
shoulders to the drumbeat, simultaneously, reaching for the neckline of
their shirts.
you give me reason to live
Slowly, they pulled the material further apart with each beat of the drum,
to reveal a sweat slick expanse of chest. Inch by inch, slowly teasing, until
they reach the shirt's hem.
you give me reason to live
They snatched the shirt open, grinding their hips forward as the horde
screamed wildly. Both Justin and Blair straightened, rocking their
shoulders several times, then spun, to turn their backs to the mass of flesh
on sensory overload from their exquisite movements.
you give me reason to live
Blair took off his scarf and twirled it high over his head.
you give me reason to live
Justin followed suit, both accompanying the act by sharp bumps of their
Sweet darlin,
They tossed the scarves to the audience. A melee broke out as six ladies at
four separate tables struggled for possession of the small pieces of cloth.
you can leave your hat on
Sliding sinuously back to face the panting, crazed mob, they slowly slide
their belts through the loops. . .
ya can leave your hat on
. . .twirled them as they smiled at one another.
you can leave your hat on
Then tossed them behind.
you can leave your hat on
you can leave your hat on
Crotch pointed at the audience, they caressed their bodies with splayed
hands, laggardly from groin to chin. Once there, Justin struck a
provocative pose as he inserted his index finger in his mouth and lazily
withdrew it, all the while keeping eye contact with an older woman at a
table to his left who blushed hot red, her eyes wide in disbelief.
While, next to him, Blair licked his lips hungrily for a group to his right, his
lids at a sleepy half-mast. One of the ladies watching immediately began
to crawl over the table towards the stage and had to be restrained by her
As Justin and Blair teased, they kept their legs spread wide, their hips
moving in a 'stirring' motion to the music.
you can leave your hat on
They raised their hats and allowed their hair to spill out, Blair's fell in
heavy waves down his shoulders, Justin's cascaded in a dense waterfall,
down his back.
The noise from the mob became deafening as the guys tossed their heads,
causing the hair to fan out from them.
Suspicious minds keep talkin
They replaced the hats on their head and began rocking their hips like
pendulums to the beat, bending their knees, lowering their bodies slightly.
they try to tear us apart
Suddenly, with truly wicked grins and their eyes locked to the audience,
they reached forward and snatched their pants off to reveal bright red G
strings. The resulting shock wave almost took out all the viewers in the
front four rows of tables.
they don't believe in this love of mine
Both men tossed the pants behind them.
they don't know what love is
Taking the hats off to cover their crotches. Both men wagged their fingers
at the women, giving them 'no no-no' looks as the room, in unison, raised
clasped hands to the stage in supplication.
they don't know what love is
They turned to strut away, but not before removing their hats to cover
their swaying bottoms as they retreated.
they don't know what love is
With their backs to the audience, they moved their butts to the music while
working at the straps of their G's.
but I know what love is
They turned back around. Taking off their hats to cover their crotches once
again, and they swayed their hips to the music while pulling off the red bit
of material. The crowd went into hysterics.
They turned their backs and to once again shake their butts for the crowd.
you can leave your hat on...
Then turned back to face the audience, covering their crotches again with
the hats. Strutting boldly down the runway into the masses, the two
undulating young men threw the 'G' strings to the crowd while lifting the
hats away to reveal their genitals. The audiences went insane, jumping up
from their tables, cheering, screaming, beating their fists on the table tops,
clapping their hands. Covering the guys cocks were patches that read:
Exclusive property of, on Blair's were the initials 'JJE', and on Justin,
'PEC' in big, bold, black letters.
The two smiled radiantly down into the throng . . .and into the angry faces
of Ellison and Choate standing out on the floor, center stage, their arms
crossed tightly against their chests.
"I told you!" Justin wailed angrily as he pulled on his street clothes.
Their SOs hadn't uttered one word to them since they stepped from the
warehouse after putting their clothes on in the backstage dressing room.
"I made him. He didn't want to do it."
Justin wanted to cry. He hadn't seen his lover this angry since Christmas.
He had the feeling that his four months dry spell was coming to an end.
"It wasn't a sprint, you know." He smiled. "There wasn't a prize for the
"Danza para mí, dulce." he whispered, his cock at full mast.
So intent on what he was doing to himself, he almost didn't hear the groan
from beneath him. Opening his eyes, he nearly fell into the great, black pools
that gazed steadily up at him.
Quickly squeezing out another daub of gel, he lubed the hard cock in front of