This is the internet home of 3 FACE publishing.

Hello and welcome to the internet home of 3 FACE publishing.
We're a little known group (actually no one knows about us) that publishes odds and ends we, or our friends, write. Below are some of our titles in progress. Yes, we're STILL working on finishing up, so if one of the links doesn't work, (most of them do, there just aren't so many of them) come back in a few days. Not too much should change because we never update our page, 'cause no one looks at it. If you do, you should mail us just so we have a reason to fix it and stuff. I checked our mail... and no one sends us anything. We get pretty depressed so send us anything. Just tell us our page is garbage. We don't care. So, here we go.

The Nameless Story
Endo-Squad Barric's
DaVinci Forever Savages
description of 3 Face Publishing

See our new line of 3 Face Publishing merchandise.

Last Update: 21.3.02

© 1997

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