Savages is a story about Magic in today's socioty in comic book form. The main characters fight magical creations such as Vampires, Werewolves, and Savages. Savages are a unique creation invented just for this story line, and they are the center of attention for the evil forces. Savages are very numerous, but also very weak. They have super human strength and speed, but do not possess immunities that stronger forms of evil do. They were created long ago to become the most powerfull magical beings. Despite their history they are considered fairly new in the world of magic. Many creatures dislike them because they were created scientificly. Their creators were a laughing stock because they were planed to be an extreamly powerfull force. Those laughing forgot, and in the twenty first century they have gained abilities that level them with other evils.

The main characters in the first portion of the series are a set of savage slayers. They hunt savages much like vampire slayers hunt vampires. Elizabeth is a witch who hunts savages to avenge her past. James is an ex-cop who was introduced to the life by Elizabeth. Autto is a robotics nerd that stumbled upon them and wouldn't leave them alone. They also have assistance from the savage prince of destruction, Sevron Furof. Part of their endevors include protecting him from his heritage and driveing off his ancestors who want him to destroy the human race.

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