the Drew Orr web site

Come in and have a look around.

God Bless The World!

Honor the innocents, NYFD, NYPD, EMS, Pentagon personnel and others killed by terrorists (world wide) by living each day well, in freedom, and support The United States of America and it's allies in fighting the righteous fight against every terrorist perpetrator in the world.

Click the Black Day Banner to view photographs of 9-11-2001 and sign the guestbook.

I spent the wonder years growing up near the Jersey Shore, in a town that is no more (New Shrewsbury), near Red Bank, Eatontown, Tinton Falls and Asbury Park in Monmouth County. I loved going into "The City" to museums, galleries, Central Park, and shopping for clothes with my Grandmother,
Jean Muirhead Orr.

Pete Townshend & The Who

Here is a little more about me,
including pix.

I used to live in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Click here to see a map of any location, and send it to someone.

Click here to see some of my art.

Check out my friend Steve Jaynes' web site [NEW LINK!].

In Memoriam
Beloved friend

Audrey Anne Fixmer Jaynes

passed away
March 7, 2000
God Bless You Audrey, you are missed!

Click on Audrey's image to vist her web site.

In Memoriam
Beloved friend

William John "Bo" Bovaird III

passed away
May 3, 2003
God speed "Bo", you are infinitely missed!

Click on "Bo's" image to visit his web site.

In Memoriam
My long time friend,
Gary Stephan Narramore Simpson

passed away
January 2nd 1999 12:15pm CST
God Bless You 'Ace', you are missed!

Rest In Peace

In Memory of Charles Peters Seger

In Memoriam
April 19th 1995

April 19th 2005

Click on John Kennedy's photo to go the memorial page
Also here for info on the Carolyn and Lauren Bessette

Motorcycle EDUCATION!

Ride this beautiful bike to the Ducati pages

(helmet, leathers, gloves, and boots required!)

The Official Website.

The Official Website.

The Official Website.

The most watched spectator sport in the world!


Click here for larger image of my 30" x 40" oil painting of
Giacomo Agostini, winner of 15 Grand Prix World Title Championships!!!
He rode for for many years.

I have always admired Pablo Picasso,

Salvador Dali,

pin-up artist Gil Elvgren.

Peter Max Links

Click here for a Maxfield Parrish Gallery

There is a place in my heart for Marilyn Monroe.
My painting of her is 20" x 24" oil on canvas.

Here is link to outstanding fantasy art.

Pin-up artist Gil Elvgren

You must visit the homepage of child prodigy Alexandra Nechita, her artwork is astounding, please see for yourself!

Dave Lebow is a fine artist, I've always enjoyed his paintings, pastels, and drawings.

I love all music, especially Classical music, in particular
Ludwig Van Beethoven.
Another Beethoven link.

I also enjoy the music of Russian composers.
In 1960 Dmitri Kabalevsky composed
"Spring, A Symphonic Poem in C Major .Op.65".
It is one of my favorite modern classical pieces.

Click here to go to the
Rolling Stones Page.

My dear departed friend "Bo" turned me on to Godley & Creme and 10cc in 1975.

Click above to visit websites about Godley & Creme and 10cc
(Old Wild Men)

Mr Blint's Attic
from "Consequences" by Godley & Creme

Hmmmm...the "Old Wild Men"
...might also apply to
The Moody Blues

If you find any "dead" links here, have a comment, suggestion, or just want to say, "Hi Drew",
E-mail me at

I signed up on 07/14/97 16:57:13.
I had good advice from Tina Rock about HTML.
This site was revised on April 19, 2005.

So far people have been here since Oct 15th, 1997.

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

...hmmmm....Why don't people sign the guestbook?...hmmmmm

The old guestbook.


I am of Scottish ancestry, The Campbell of Argyle Clan; The Mac Gregor Clan; and the MacFarlane Clan.

Share my page with a friend... can send them a KISS below!...

...and send virtual Flowers too!

No violence, gentlemen -- no violence, I beg of you!
Consider the furniture!
-- Sherlock Holmes

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
-- Theodore Roosevelt

We are what we pretend to be. -- Kurt Vonnegut, Jr

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.
-- Dwight D. Eisenhower, April 16, 1953

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