Meditation Spots
This page may seem a bit heavy-handed, at first. But it's
not ment to be. I just want to show you some of my favorite spots
on the web that I think feature some qualities that
all forms of meditation have in common:
- A change of scenery
- A reminder to STOP for a moment and quiet the mind
- A chance to fill the mind with something calm, wonderful, soothing...
- Something inspiring
So, kick back, and enjoy the ride!
Mt. Fuji
Just about my favorite spot in the world
that I've never been to
Great photos!
Jain World
A neat page with cool audios. And a lot of info about this austere, pacifist religion.
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Moon Surface
NASA photo from Apollo 11
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NASA photo from Apollo 11
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A Very Distant Place
The ultimate getaway!
Courtesy of "Star Wars," Lucasfilms
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I'd love to hear about your favorite spots.
Thank you, Christina, for the beautiful background!
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