
the tall grass,

short tail of deer


above the valley,


of a hawk


climbing the boulder

after a chipmunk,

shadow of a hawk


feeling the wetness,

I let go

the frog from my palm


dividing the fog


tall pines


letting fall a star,

the sky

later blushes


another autumn day -


more rain is falling


late summer -


fill a beggar's cup


candles on a cake -

her breath

completes the wish


in the candle flame,


of a Codling moth


apple branch

bent low -

raccoon loses balance


from a tree nearby,

the sound

of red leaves stirring


under the stars,


of a white flower

looking up

at the darkest sky,

spring peepers


looking up

at the stars,

spring peepers


in her tiny hand

the warbler's yellow breast

seemed to beat again


on the grassy hill,


of thin clouds moving


cloud shadows

brush the mountain top -

hawks soar


slivers of moonlight

among the leafless branches -

old fallen apples


as the sun slips away


the forest murmurs


amber light

in filtered haze -

faded memories


wind rushing

through a dream -

quiet night


in the frozen reeds,

there is only the silence

of the moon rising


out on the river

the geese call to each other -

December snowfall


anchored in winter light,

the bell tolls

for each passing wave



through falling snow,

a cardinal's wings


valentine's day -

on her lips

my smile


wild berries

on wet tongue -

ripples flowing

lips part

but the

kiss remains



in the old well,

the old face


full moon

hanging from a branch -

old orchard


reaching for the moon,

a forest

of empty branches


wind over buffalo grass,

in the distance

a sound like thunder


late autumn -

the colors leave

when the sky moves south


sunday morning -

trees wake

before birds


sunday morning -

insects hover

over small flowers


sunday morning -

frost lingers

as the sun rises


returning robin -

old bath

new water


rain passes -

in a garden corner

feathers remain


early spring -

a flock of clouds

ahead of geese


late spring -

white blossoms

enfold the moon


cherry trees

studded with flowers -

starry night

clouds linger

at the edge of the mountain,

hawks glide past


hard rain falling -

I should have slept

and dreamed instead


small flowers gather

on the edge of the river

as summer passes


small white flowers


or is it snow coming early?


wooden masts

under open sky -

flags waving


long shadows

walk through the garden -

night comes


tall ships

move up the river,

clouds follow


swallow wings

beat the midday air -

clouds churn


swallow wings

cut the late sky,

the sun bleeds


quilt into summer -

butterfly wings

pattern the sill


her body arches

above the circus crowd,

the tent sways


late autumn -

in a dream

flakes of snow


overnight rain -

leaves scatter

as fall rolls in

lovers embrace

then let go,

the wind passes


slipping past

half-shut eyes,

morning sun


filling the gap

between ground and sky,

blackbird song


misty rain

at the edge of the sea -

a Bangkok dream


leading the way

through a wisp of clouds,

the half-lit moon



on caterpillar tail

looking my way


in the curl

between leaf and stem,

drop of dew


morning star

low over trees -

cricket song


dripping from

still green leaves,

summers end


black eyes

open under China sky,

jade smile



of moonlight,

through a dirty window


blowing past

the baby's smile,

Autumn wind


home again,

now the leaves

are falling



frost on frozen reeds -

far away the moon rises

into empty sky


time and reality,

shifting like tides on a riverbank



the blackbird's song

serene in silent marsh grass -

still ice on river


memories of childhood gone,

like fog that drifts through mountains



past the crystal path

beyond the lingering breath,

final solitude


remembering cicadas

as I walk the fragile earth

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