Hate Crime at CHS
  Student opinion articles related to the recent hate crime at Corvallis High School will be published in the February 11th issue of The Plug. We'll be publishing a portion of the articles in the print edition, and the remainder will be available on this web site.

Vol. 5 issue #3 will be added to this site in the near future (probably Saturday, Feb. 14th, since I have nothing better to do that day).

Things are heating up at CHS!

A student has been suspended after allegedly unscrewing a desk in class. Sources indicate that he was not the mastermind behind the recent Unscrew CHS movement, as suspected by the administration.

Related articles:
A Bunch of Screwy Students (Wintermute)
Screw You, Dickman! (Locke)
Campus Support (by Hokuto Okuyama)
Wrong (by Ghost)

Click here for the (almost) latest issue

NEW! The Plug Online button!

Use this button to link your web site to The Plug Online!

(Vol. 5, #2, January 28th 1998)

What's New on this site


An online feedback form has been added.


Added the new Plug Online button. This button can be used on your web site to link it to The Plug Online.


Vol. 5 Issue #2 is now online. All issues from Vol. 4 are also online.
The Plug isan "underground" paper produced by students (past and present) of Corvallis High School in Corvallis, Oregon. This site is the on-line companion to the print edition of The Plug, which is published once every two weeks, with a circulation of approx. 200.

Hits since 1/27/98


Submission deadline is Monday, February 23rd, 1998

Volume 5, Issue #3 is scheduled for release on Wednesday 25th, 1998

Articles About the Plug

The High-O-Scope : Plug Editor Exposed (June 10th, 1994)
More articles are available, plese send mail to
revbade@hotmail.com and tell her to get her act together and remember to bring home the High-O-Scope. :)


Links to Other Plug-like Underground Papers

DHS UnderGround Online


Send submissions to: theplugpress@hotmail.com


Page design and mantainence by Josh M. McKee. The articles presented on this site are the property of their original authors and are used with permission. By submitting material to The Plug, authors grant permission for said material to be published and subsequently re-printed in hard copy and electronic form by the current custodians of The Plug and its archives.

The Plug does not receive any funding, official recognition, or special status by or from Corvallis High School or the 509J school district. Students should be aware of guidelines and rules regarding the distribution of materials at Corvallis High School.