All About Me-Wonderful Me!!

As I said above, this is a page all about ME!
Wow! I've never had a page all about ME before!
What shall I say...?

This is me and my husband, Dan on our honeymoon!!

I was born in September of 1977 in upstate New York.
I got married on September 20, 1997 and
my husband and I just had our first child in September, '98.
His name is Aidan and I have devoted an entire page just for him.
See "Sugarplum".

I have an older sister, Star and my little brother and sister are twins! Grace and Elliot.
I also have Dan, my older stepbrother, but who cares about technicalities.

Lets, see, I like to read and make stained glass.
I like going out to shows and doing things amongst a big crowd.
I like to sew and occasionaly I make something that turns out right.
I enjoy camping and hiking, especially in the NC Mountains.
I like hanging out with my family and friends.

Here's some of my favorite memories:

..when I got my first Cabbage Patch Kid for my 7th(?) birthday.
Her name was Rosa and I still have her, packed away in a box.
I'll have to dig her out one of these days.
..watching "Young Frankenstein" with my cousin Alissa.
..flying in an airplane and seeing what a rainbow looks like from above.
..those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that my Grandma would make,
only she would put butter on the bread also. dog Moses who would drag me around our backyard in the snow by my boots.
..the day my little brother and sister were born. with my mom.
..the day I got married to my Goober husband, Dan.
..the look on my dad's face when I got him
a hammock for Father's Day.
..spending an entire summer with my big sister, Star.
..a hair dye fight (turquoise) with my mom.

That'll do for now...


So that's me!


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