

From Joe Graedon's column

"Q. In a recent article, you expressed surprise that Certo has been used for arthritis since the 1970s. Back in 1945, my 65 year old grandmother suffered from arthritis in her knees. When a friend told her about the benefits of Certo in fruit juice two or three times a day, she tried it and was pain-free within a few weeks.

At the time I wondered whether this marvelous improvement was due to a placebo effect. During a two week vacation in Florida she had no access to Certo and was a wreck when she returned. Grandma cried as she crawled to bed on her hands and knees. She returned to taking Certo, and was fine in two weeks.

A few years ago I noticed persistent pain in my thumbs and shoulders and had to stop playing the piano. When my wrists and elbows became sore, I saw a nurse practitioner who diagnosed osteoarthritis and offered anti-inflammatory pills. I tried a tablespoon of Certo mixed with fruit juice (mostly grape) at breakfast and at bedtime. Within a couple of weeks all symptoms disappeared and I can play the piano for hours. When I stopped taking Certo for nine days, the pain was excrutiating. Going back on Certo banished it. Clearly it is not a cure, but it seems helpful and has no worrisome side effects.

A. Thank you for sharing your experience with certo, a pectin containing solution used for making jams and jellies. We have beel flooded with requests for the recipe: 2 teaspoons of Certo in 3 ounces of grape juice three times a day. We also have heard from people who take 1 tablespoon of Certo in a full glass of grape juice just once a day. As with most home remedies, the dose is not based in science and could be adjusted."
Sent in byEthel


(Hydrastis Canadensis)
The root contains the alkaloids, hydrastine, canadine, and berberine
It was official in the US Pharmacopoeia from 1831 to 1842 and then again from 1863 until 1936.

Medicinal Properties: Laxative, tonic, opthalmicum, antiperiodic, aperient, diuretic, antiseptic.

According to Jethro Kloss it is one of the best substitutes for quinine. It exerts a special influence on all the mucous membranes and tissues that it comes in contact with. Excellent remedy for colds, open sores, inflammations, eczema, ringworm, erysipelas or any skin disease. He also said it was good for colds and stomach trouble and the nausea of pregnancy.

Golden Seal Tea: steep one teaspoonful in a pint of boiling water for twenty minutes.

Use: Clean the sore area with the teas wash and sprinkle some of the powder on and cover. The tea can be used as a mouthwash, to brush teeth with for sore gums, snuffed up nose for nasal troubles and a gargle for sore throat. The tea can be drunk. (my comment..it is terribly bitter and I put it in gelatin capsules from the health food store)

Many tribes of American Indians used golden seal as a tonic, stimulant and astringent. Some used it as an insect repellent and for yellow dye. In the Ohio River Valley it had a reputation as and astringent and was used for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat and for sore eyes.


(Hypericum perforatum)
common American name..Klamathweed

A weed widely established in Europe, Australia, and the western coast and eastern half of the United States. It is a semi-annual plant growing 1 to 4 feet tall. It has oblong, toothless leaves with translucent dots. The yellow flowers have black dots along the edges of the petals. It grows in waste places, pastures and roadsides. Cattle don't like to eat it unless other forage is scarce. Some animals after eating it and exposed to strong sunlight witll get a rash, blister and shed hair around the nose, ears, and eyes. It is commonly used for depression with great success.



The following information on MSM was obtained from various health sources and other publications. The sole purpose is to provide information on MSM and is not considered to be medical advise, and no medical claims are intended.

What is MSM?

MSM if not a medicine, drug or a food additive. It is a nutritional food supplement found in all foods, - milk, fruits, meats and vegetables, MSM is a natural form of organic sulfur found in all living organisms. MSM is the 3rd largest ingredient found in your body. Your body is made up of water, salt and MSM.

Why do we need MSM?

The body uses MSM to create new, good healthy cells. Vitamins and amino acids work with MSM during this process. Without proper level of MSM, our bodies are unable to build good healthy cells, and this leads to illness. Our bodies are producing new cells 24 hours per day. If your body doesn't receive the proper nutrition and building materials it needs, it will produce bad, dysfunctional cells, deficient of the basic ingredients that constitute a healthy cell. If we want a good flexible cells, capable of maintaining good health, we need to supplement our diets with MSM, to enable the body to heal itself. Your body knows what it needs better than any doctor. It will use MSM wherever it is needed in your system. Give your body the MSM it needs so it can provide more nutrition and heal itself.

If MSM is found in all foods, why do we need to supplement with MSM? Because of its volatile nature, MSM is quickly lost from foods when processed, cooked and/or stored. The second you pick fruit or vegetables from the tree or vine, they begin rapidly losing MSM. Even in meats, MSM is not as abundant as it used to be. Today, animals are being fed with dried, stored grasses, hay and grains, deficient in MSM. When your body uses the MSM molecule to produce a new cell, the MSM is lost forever. We need to continually replace our bodies' supply of MSM to produce new, good, healthy cells, A conventional diet does not supply the minimum requirement of MSM. It is absent in synthetic food additives, dietary mineral compositions, food substitutes and most fillers used to dilute or modify foods. With today's modern diet of cooked and otherwise processed and diluted foods, most - if not all -diets of civilized man are deficient in this critically important ingredient.

How safe is MSM?

MSM is as safe as drinking pure water, Because of its inert nature, MSM is non-allergenic, non-pyritic, and has no interfering or undesirable pharmacological effects. It can even be used as a safe blood dilutant. You cannot overdose with MSM. The body will use what it needs and after 12 hours will flush any excess amounts out of the body. MSM will flush what the body does not retain semi-permanently every 12 hours and because it is a free-radical and foreign-protein scavenger, MSM cleans the blood stream, so allergies to food and pollens go away as healthy cells are created. Take MSM is the morning and evening to keep a steady 24 hour supply available for cell rebuilding.

Patented Benefits of MSM
Excerpts from the Original Patent Documents

Improved Health: Maintenance of good health - enhances vitamin C, other antioxidants and other bioflavinoids - benefits as a food additive - benefits as a diet supplement - enhances ability to concentrate.

Body: aids in resistance to sun and windburn' benefits for eye inflammation; oral hygiene for mouth and gums, improved sense of taste and smell; benefits internal organ; benefits lung tissue, has an ameliorating (alleviating) or curing effect on parasites; accelerated wound healing; benefits for allergies and other sensitivities; reduces adverse response to inhalant allergies; controlling problems associated with gastric hyperacidity; relief from chronic constipation; reducing or eliminating hypersensitivity problems associated with oral medications such as nonsteroidal anti arthritic agents; providing relief from the symptoms of lung dysfunction; benefits as a mood elevator; improves chemical profile of arthritic patients (e.g., providing relief from pain and stiffness, reduced swelling and inflammation, coupled with a return of blood chemistry toward normalcy) reduction in hypertension, enhances the immune system.

Skin: Benefits to skin and internal organs; benefits for connective tissue and dermatological disorders; effectiveness in preserving the pliancy of connective tissue; counter cross linking of Collagen associated with aging; improvement of adverse (diseased) skin conditions; favorable response in treating acne. Hair and Nails: Benefits for scalp and hair; improved nail growth; improved hair and hair growth; benefits for cuticles and nails.

Pain Relief: Relieving acute pain in humans; relieving post-athletic activity fatigue,; relieving muscle cramps, leg and back cramps, after long periods of inactivity, or in athletes (such as runners, football, basketball and soccer players) who experience cramps while participating in sports. Mental Normalcy: Individuals taking MSM generally reported increased alertness, reduced mood changes, and particularly very infrequent depression A few patients on medication intermittently for depression observed the MSM relieved depression within hours, rather than days, as had been their prior experience with anti-depression medication. Pain Associated with Systemic Inflammatory Disorders: Individuals presenting signs and symptoms of aspirin and inflammation associated with various musculoskeletal-system disorders reported substantial and long-lasting relief while including MSM in their daily diet. Migraine sufferers have obtained substantial relief with MSM.

Parasitic Infections: MSM has an ameliorating (alleviating) or curing effect on a variety of parasitic systemic microbial infections. Efficacy can be determined by in-vitro testing to determine growth inhibition or killing of the specific organism by exposure to MSM at various concentrations. MSM has the ability to return the parasite-infected tissues to normalcy with no impairment or injury to the host.


From "A to Z Guide to Supplements" by James F. Balch, M.D.

The hormone melatonin is naturally produced by the pineal gland, a cone-shaped structure in the brain. The body's pattern of melatonin production is similar to that of the other "anti-aging" hormones, human growth hormone (HGH) and dehy-droepiandrosterone (DHEA). Throughout early life, melatonin is produced in abundance. Shortly before puberty, though, the production of melatonin begins to drop, and then continues to decline steadily as we age.

Research has demonstrated that melatonin may have several profound long-term effects on the body. As one of the most powerful antioxidants ever discovered—with a greater range of effectiveness than vitamin C, vitamin E, or beta-carotene— melatonin helps prevent harmful oxidation reactions from occurring. In this way, melatonin may prevent the changes that lead to hypertension and heart attack, and may reduce the risk of certain kinds of cancer. Indeed, research has indicated that many age-related problems are caused by declining levels of melatonin, which leave the body less able to prevent and repair oxidative damage. Melatonin also has been found to stimulate the immune system; have a major role in the production of estrogen, testosterone, and possibly other hormones, helping to prevent cancers involving the reproductive system; and slow the growth of existing malignancies. Recent studies suggest that if melatonin is taken in the mornings, tumor growth may be stimulated, but if it is taken in the evenings, it has a retarding effect on tumor growth. In addition, as melatonin is secreted cyclically, in response to the fall of darkness at the end of each day, the hormone helps our bodies keep in sync with the rhythms of day and night. Thus, melatonin helps regulate sleep.

Research on melatonin continues, and with it, knowledge is increasing about the functions of melatonin in the body and the effects of melatonin supplementation. Both human research studies and anecdotal evidence indicate that melatonin supplements can be an effective and side-effect-free sleep aid both for adults suffering from insomnia and for children with autism, epilepsy. Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and other problems that can cause sleep disorders. Animal and other laboratory research indicates that melatonin supplementation may help prevent age-related disorders, and perhaps extend life. Melatonin can be taken to ease PMS symptoms; stimulate the immune system; prevent memory loss, arteriosclerosis, and stroke; and treat cancer and Aizheimer's disease.

Although no toxic levels of melatonin have been found, some researchers feel that certain people probably should not use this supplement until further information is available. Included in this category are pregnant and nursing women; people with severe allergies or autoimmune diseases; people with immune system cancers, such as lymphoma and leukemia; and healthy children, who already produce sufficient amounts of the hormone. Since high doses of melatonin have been found to act as a contraceptive, women who wish to become pregnant might also want to avoid taking the supplement.

Melatonin should be taken two hours or less before bedtime. This schedule is designed to release the added hormone at the same time that natural production peaks. A sustained-release form is best if you frequently awaken after several hours' sleep; a sublingual form is best if you are very ill or suffer from malabsorption. When you awaken after melatonin-assisted sleep, you should feel refreshed—not tired or groggy. If you do experience grogginess, you should reduce the dosage

Maintaining Your Melatonin Level Naturally

As darkness falls at the end of each day, melatonin production rises. In the morning, when daylight hits the retina, neural impulses cause production of the hormone to slow. Clearly, light and darkness are the primary factors that set the rhythms of melatonin production. However, they are not the only factors involved. In fact, it has been found that a variety of regular daily routines can strengthen the rhythm of melatonin production. Here are a few simple ways in which you can help your body maintain high levels of this important hormone:

Eat regular meals. The rhythm of melatonin production is strengthened by regular daily routines. Keep your mealtimes as regular as possible to keep your body In sync with the rhythms of the day.

• Keep your diet light at night. When melatonin production begins after nightfall, the digestive process is slowed. Thus, any heavy foods eaten close to bedtime may lead to digestive problems, which can make it difficult to steep. To get the steep you need, eat small, light meals In the late evening.

• Avoid stimulants. Stimulants like coffee, tea, and caffeine-containing medications and colas can interfere with melatonin production by interfering with your sleep. As much as possible, eliminate these stimulants from your diet and lifestyle.

• Avoid exercising late at night. Vigorous activity delays melatonin secretion. If you exercise in the morning, you will reinforce healthful sleeping habits that lead to regular melatonin production. For best results, do your morning exercise out of doors, in the morning light


From "A to Z Guide to Supplements" by James F. Balch, M.D.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus is a type of "friendly" bacteria that assists in the digestion of proteins, a process in which lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, enzymes, B vitamins, and antibiotic substances that inhibit pathogenic organisms are produced. Acedophilus has antifungal properties, helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels, aids digestion, and enhances the absorption of nutrients.

The flora in the healthy colon should consist of at least 85 percent lactobacilli and 15 percent coliforn bacteria. However, the typical colon bacteria count today is the reverse. This can result in gas, bloating, intestinal and systemic toxicity, constipation, and malabsorbtion of nutrients, and is conducive to an overgrowth of Candida. Taking an acedophilus supplement helps to combat all of these problems by returning the intestinal flora to a healthier balance. In addition, acidophilus may help to detoxify harmful substances.

There are many good acidophilus supplements available. Acidophilus products come in tablet, capsule, and powdered forms. We recommend using the powdered form. Natren markets quality products that contain very high numbers of organisms. Nondairy formulas are best for people who are allergic to dairy products, and they work well against Candida. Kyo-Dophilus from Wakunaga of America is a milk-free product that remains stable at high temperatures. Other good nondairy acidophilus supplements include Primadophilus from Nature's Way and Neo-Flora from New Chapter. In general, we believe it is not advisable to buy a product containing a combination of different strains of lactobacilli, as one organism may be antagonistic to another. A single-strain product with a count of at least I billion organisms per gram is often better than a combination.

Acidophilus can die at high temperatures. Whatever product you choose, keep it in a cool, dry place—refrigerate but do not freeze it. Take acidophilus on an empty stomach in the morning and one hour before each meal. If you are taking antibiotics, do not take the antibiotics and acidophilus simultaneously.


Lactobacillus Bifidus aids in the synthesis of the B vitamins by creating healthy intestinal flora, L. bifidus is the predominant organism in the intestinal flora and establishes a healthy environment for the manufacture of the B-complex vitamins and vitamin K.

When you take antibiotics, the "friendly" bacteria in your digestive tract are destroyed along with the harmful bacteria. Supplementing your diet with L. bifidus helps you maintain healthy intestinal flora. Unhealthy flora can result in the libera-tion of abnormally high levels of ammonia a sprotein-containing foods are digested. This irritates the intestinal membranes. In addition, the ammonia is absorbed into the bloodstream and must be detoxified by the liver, or itwill cause nausea, a decrease in appetite, vomiting, and other toxic reactions. By promoting the proper digestion of foods, the friendly bacteria also aid in preventing digestive disorders such as constipation and gas, as well as food allergies. If digestion is poor, the activity of intestinal bacteria on undigested food may lead to excessive production of the body chemical histamine, which triggers allergic symptoms.

Yeast infections of the vaginal tract respond very favorably to douching with L. bifidus preparations. These microorganisms destroy the pathogenic organisms. When used as an enema, L. bifidus also helps establish a healthy intestinal environment. It improves bowel function by aiding peristalsis, and results in the production of a softer, smoother stool. Harmful bacteria are kept in check, and toxic wastes that have accumulated in the intestines are destroyed and/or eliminated from the body.

L. bifidus has proved useful in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver and chronic hepatitis; by improving digestion, it reduces the strain on the liver. Many people who do not respond to L. addophitus react positively to L. bifidus. Many experts consider L. bifidus to be preferable to L. addophilus for use in children and for adults with liver disorders


A natural anti-inflammatory

For Rheumatoid Arthritis take 400 mg of curcumin, 3 times a day until the flare subsides. Curcumin, the yellow pigment that gives turmeric its color may be natures most powerful anti-inflammatory agent, according to Joseph E. Pizzorno Jr., N.D., a naturopathic doctor and founding President of Bastyr University in Seattle, and author of "Total Wellness".

Studies have shown that curcumin improves mobility, morning stiffness and joint swelling. Curcumin capsules are available at health food stores.


Ginger tea has anti-inflammatory properties. Have a cup in the evening. Slice a piece of fresh ginger and put a few shavings or slivers in a tea ball. Pour freshly boiled water over it and steep 10 minutes.



Boswellia Serrata, A Unique Ayurvedic Anti-Rheumatic by Al Adrian

Boswellia serratta, of the botanical family Burseraceae, is the scientific name for a tree of moderate height which grows in the dry hilly areas of India. The therapeutic value of the dried resinous gum (guggul), derived from tapping the Boswellia tree, has been known since antiquity. Boswellia gum was first mentioned in the ancient Ayurvedic treatises Sushrita Samhita and the Charak Samhita. It is also known as "dhup" or Indian frankincense and has been available as a high quality extract in India for approximately 25 years and marketed under the name Sallaki.

Traditionally, Boswellia gum has been used for the treatment of diabetes, skin and blood diseases, fever, cardiovascular disorders, neurological disorders, rheumatism, dysentery, diseases of the testes, and myriad of other disorders. Today its major use is as an anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, low back pain, myositis, fibrositis, and osteoarthritis. Scientific evidence also suggests Boswellia extract may lower cholesterol, as does the guggul of Commiphora wightii (guggulipid), and provide liver protection.

Research done in India and Germany has recently confirmed Boswellia's therapeutic efficacy; it has shown advantages over other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAID's) and has suggested a mechanism by which it acts. Much of the research has been conducted at the Regional Research Laboratory in Jammu, India. Here, investigators have subjected Boswellia extract, also referred to as alcohol extract of sallaki guggal (AESG), to many testing procedures. Acute, subacute, and chronic toxicity tests in three mammalian species, including a species of primate, revealed no significant changes in blood or tissue biochemistry. Under test conditions in the laboratory the LD-50 (a dose at which 50% of the test organisms die) of rats was greater than 2 grams per Kg, apparently making Boswellia extract safer than ibuprofen, which has an LD-50 of 1.6 grams per Kg. Boswellia and Arthritis

At the laboratory in Jammu the therapeutic effectiveness of Boswellia extract has been demonstrated by a battery of rigorous tests designed to provide information on anti-arthritic agents. Boswellia extract proved as effective, or in some cases more effective, than phenylbutazone (a standard anti-inflammatory drug) in standard animal model tests such as carrageenan induced paw edema and formaldehyde-induced arthritis. Unlike nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's) such as aspirin or ibuprofen, Boswellia extract proved to have zero ulcerogenic activity.

This is good news for those ten million or so Americans currently taking large doses of conventional NSAID's who may also be suffering from NSAID induced gastric irritation. Relief can now be spelled B-o-s-w-e-l-l-i-a. When given to pregnant rats, unlike aspirin which decreases viable offspring and causes post partum bleeding, Boswellia extract was free of side effects even at doses of 200 mg per kg. Boswellia extract has also been reported to be of value in the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions, specific to horses, such as stifle, sore back and bowed tendons. It has even been used with success for the treatment of post-operative arthritis of the knee in a competitive race horse. Finally, no side effects on the central nervous system or cardiovascular system were detected in these extensive animal trials with the use of Boswellia extract (Sallaki).

Mechanism of Action

How Boswellia extract works is still under investigation. Its mechanism of action is still not completely understood, but a 1988 paper published in Agents and Actions and another published in 1992 in the J. of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics provide some insight. Boswellia extract, or specifically boswellic acid, a pentacyclic triterpenoid, and its acetylated derivatives have effects on both the production of antibodies and cell-mediated immunity

It was found that high doses of Boswellia extract, given to mice before antigen challenge, almost completely inhibited primary antibody response. Additionally, secondary antibody response was partially inhibited. Reduction of pleural (lining membranes of lung and thoracic cavity) fluid and leucocyte count after intrapleural injection of carrageenan subsequent to Boswellia extract administration, suggests interference with production of chemotactic (chemical attractants-pheromones for lymphocytes) factors. It should be emphasized that this effect is not mediated by specific cytotoxic activity of boswellic acid, as incubation of lymphocytes in a media containing high concentrations of boswellic acid does not cause their death. The mechanism of action of boswellic acid appears to be more specific. The 1992 reference cited above confirms that boswellic acid is a potent inhibitor of lipoxygenase (in contrast most NSAID's inhibit cycloxygenase and shut down prostaglandin synthesis). This reduces leucotriene production, specifically LTB-4, an active chemotactic factor. This, most likely, accounts for the finding that Boswellia extract reduces leucocyte infiltration in carrageenan induced pleurisy and has enjoyed a reputation as an effective therapeutic agent for arthritic diseases. In short, with boswellia extract administration, the white blood cell army communication system is short circuited. The battalions do not rush to the site of inflammation or trauma, this impressive dampening of the inflammatory response leads to faster healing.

Clearly, Boswellia extract is a potent, natural, and safe alternative to conventional NSAID's with a clear track record of use, safety, and success: In Germany, Boswellia extract has been sold for over 3 years and is currently undergoing clinical trials. With expectation of acceptance as a Commission E herbal remedy, there seems little risk in its application for arthritis or perhaps even speculatively for autoimmune disorders. However, those with compromised immune function (AIDS or ARC), pregnant women, the very aged (especially during flu season), or elite athletes who commonly suffer from colds or flu should refrain from the use of this product for obvious reasons.
