This lifetime:
This lifetime seems so long, And whats the lesson, I ask Since time goes on and nothing Changes but the night and day And seasons pass. I watched the sun go down on The lawn of a once elegant Place, abandoned by death Still ours to embrace, but Somehow colder now. And my mind wanders up to the Pink flowers in the tree, winding Down with long arms, seeming To cover the face of sorrow Protecting the mind from the Hurt of the day, looking up At a sky of twilight blue And the flowers looked like pink stars. And I ask myself anymore, where I've been, where I am, how I know When I find what it is I am looking for. Or did this lifetime vow to be not even mine. But the life of a mind filled with too much insight And a heart made of stone. Or is it just that others have their lessons learned Or do they even know they were here before. Maybe they're new. Maybe they just don't know.
-Kimberly N. Hunt
(c) April 12, 1998