Glazes from 'The Potter's Complete Book of Clay and Glazes' by James Chappell Floating Tea Dust ^ 6 Potash feldspar 23 Neph. Syen. 23 Kaolin 14 Silica 5 Whiting 10 RIO 5 Maganese diox. 5 Cobalt carb. 5 Rutile 5 Talc 5 CMC 1 tsp. Crystalline Semi-Opaque Rust Brown ^05 Borax 38.8 Pemco frit 626 2.4 Boric Acid 2.8 Kaolin 1.5 Silica 39.5 RIO 15 Add: Bentonite 2 CMC 1 tsp. -Fire to ^05, cool quickly to ^04 and hold ttemp. for 2-3 hours before cooling slowly to 100 degrees before opening kiln. translucent light green w/pale green crystals ^06-04 Lead sesquisilicate 76.5 Zinc Ox. 6 Kaolin (Calcined) 7.5 Ilmenite (powdered) 5 Copper ox. 2.5 Rutile 3 Bentonite 2 CMC 1 tsp. -fire to ^06-04, cool quickly to ^08-09and mmaintain temp for 2-3 hours before cooling slowly to 100 degrees. VERY FLUID GLAZE!!! -For tan w/cream crystals, omit copper ox. -For medium blue w/light blue crystals, subsstitute copper ox. for 1 gram cobalt ox. Clear Crackle Glaze ^06 Pemco frit 25 47 Lithium carb. 8 Wollastonite 22 Kaolin 21 Silica 2 Bentonite 2 CMC 1 tsp. Transparent to Milky Crackle Glaze ^02 Ferro frit 3134 13 Pemco frit 25 42 Gerstley Borate 17.7 Kaolin 11.5 Silica 15.8 Bentonite 2 CMC 1 tsp. Crackle Glaze Colourants Add: Barium Blue: copper ox. 5-10% Chinese Blue: copper ox. 3% iron ox. .5% Dynasty Blue: copper carb. 1% Cobalt ox. .5% Iron ox. .5% Crystalline cream w/light crystals ^3-4 Ferro frit 3304 80.5 Iron ox. 15 Kaolin (Calcined) 4.5 Bentonite 2 CMC 1 tsp. -Fire to ^3-4, cool quickly to ^1 and hold ttemp. for 2-3 hours before cooling slowly to 100 degrees. -For medium green w/lighter crystals, substiitute 15 grams copper carb. instead of iron ox. -For darker green, substitute iron ox. for 114 g. copper ox. -For darker blue, substitute iron ox. for 1--2 g. cobalt ox. Off-White w/lighter crystals ^8 Sodium carb. 11.2 Whiting 6.2 Zinc ox. 21.3 Silica 39.1 Rutile 5.1 EPK 17.3 Bentonite 2 CMC 1 tsp. -Fire to ^8, cool to ^5 quickly, hold temp. for 2-3 hours then cool to ^06 slowly before allowing to cool normally to 100 degrees. -THIS CAN BE A RUNNY GLAZE!!! -For a yellow-tan w/off-white to silver crysstals, add 4 g. iron ox. -For light blue w/pale blue to silver crystaals, add 1 g. cobalt ox. Transparent Flowing glaze ^8 Custer feldspar 60 Whiting 10 Gerstley Borate 10 Silica 10 Kentucky Ball Clay 4 8 Kaolin 2 Bentonite 2 CMC 1 tsp. Transparent Flowing Glaze ^10 Feldspar (Kona F-4) 50.9 Silica 24 Whiting 18 Kaolin 2.7 Dolomite 2.4 Zinc. Ox. 1 Gerstley Borate 1 Bentonite 2 CMC 1 tsp. Translucent Egyptian Blue gloss ^04 Borax (calcined) 33.9 Potash feldspar 18.8 Whiting 8.8 Kaolin 3.1 Silica 23.8 Zinc ox. 8.6 Copper ox. 3 Transparent Persian Blue gloss ^04 Borax (calcined) 36.6 Custer Feldspar 21 Whiting 9.6 Kaolin 3.5 Silica 26.5 Copper ox. 1.4 Cobalt ox. .7 Bentonite .7 Transparent Sapphire Blue Gloss ^04 Borax (calcined) 36.6 Custer feldspar 21 Whiting 9.6 Kaolin 3.5 Silica 26.5 Cobalt ox. 1.4 Iron ox. .7 Bentonite .7 Lithium Blue Gloss ^02 Lithium Carb. 26.9 Kaolin 13.6 Silica 53.5 Copper carb. 4.1 Bentonite 2.8 Add: CMC 1 tsp. Translucent Ice Blue Matte ^5 Custer feldspar 52.5 Pemco frit 626 16 Zinc ox. 11.9 Whiting 5.8 Kaolin 5 Silica 9 Add: Nickel ox. 3 Bentonite 1 CMC 1 tsp. Transparent Gray-Blue gloss ^5 Neph. Syen. 51.5 Whiting 19.4 Silica 18.1 Kaolin 8.4 Zinc ox. 2.6 Add: Iron chromate 3 Bentonite 1 CMC 1 tsp.