...Otherwise known as Graphic Novels...

New and Strange Comics are afoot

So... what do you after you kick your Marvel habit? How about Some amazing pieces of art and literature? How about counterculture from before counterculture hit the net? Your local comic book store may not carry most of these, but they sure are worth looking for. After slogging through that big bad book of previews, I found some real winners.

Dive into the stacks for these back issues

Classics because of artwork, storyline, innovation etc., these are not your grandfather's comics

It's ART 'ya bastid!

Is it art? Baldur seems to think so.
Hi I'm Jola.

My interests are:
way out there Comics, E.R. Eddison, Norse Sagas, Culty-Movies, Anime, MAC lipstick, old punk records, and Public Relations wierdness.

The description of my page is:
way beyond comics

Email me at jbiniek@ais.net
Don't be a stranger.

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