Welcome to the homepage of the irrelivant list, it is a mailing list of, well, a bunch of loonies really, we have no specified chat topics, and tend to just babble on about a buch of crap (at least my part in it is anyhow).

The main consistent characters that involve themselves in this odd way of passing time, is myself (of course), Jai Nelson, Louisa da Souza, Richard Curtis, Corey and Jera. Each with thier own completely different kinds of input, coming from around the country, with such opposing backgrounds, (as it would seem to me).

Occasionally every so often we get passing visitors who join in for a while, and then pass on, presumably from having gone mad:) Would you like to be one of those?
We would probably welcome anyone who wishes to have a permanent residence on the list however, it usually depends on how nice and mad you are:)
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