In the end, her good heart broke Rita's spell. She confessed to Kim and to the other rangers who forgave her and understood what she went throgh. When Kimberly had to leave the team to train for the Pan Global Games, she chose Kat to be her successor. The historical moment took place in the three part episode "A Different Shade of Pink".
Kat loves ballet and swimming and she competed in diving competitions back in her homeland Australia. She has a beautiful accent which has been sort of Anericanised. Kat became very good friends with Tanya and allowed her to stay with her family until Tanya found her parents. Kat also got along with the rest of the rangers and acted as a second mother to Justin.
Ranger-wise, Kat was not only the second pink ranger but she was also the only pink zeo ranger as well as the original pink turbo ranger. She faced many challenges with her team mates (including fighting her clone) before she too left the team. She handed down her powers to Cassie Chan and has probably moved to Europe to study dance. She is sorely missed and we hope she will return to the power rangers one day.
Native Land: Australia
First Appearance: A Ranger Catastrophe Part 1 (Episode 128)
Last Appearance: Passing The Torch Part 2 (Episode 224) *The Cheap Clip From "When Time Freezes Over" Doesn't Count!
Favourite Kat Scene: Kat deprograms Tommy (King For A Day Pt. 2)
Predecessor: Kimberly A. Hart
Successor: Cassie Chan