Ashes to ashes, funk to funky...

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To realaudio poetry by Katja.
Want to look back, like Orpheus, to whence this page has come? Click ----> Katja's home page, the Spring Street apartment.

Or just look at what's new on Spring Street, in an imaginary New York where obscenely expensive fashions, furniture, coffee don't dominate the scene...

Media is witchcraft, , media is true, media is catching, media is first, , media is not love , though sometimes it sure feel like it!.

Masochistic pleasure, anyone? This realaudio/graphics performance can finally be listened to without crashing your machine. Perhaps it will even get nicer visually. Who knows?

Four realaudio poems accompanied by graphic performance, "Not love", "Amanda Street", "True" and "First Woman" live here, plus for extra credit two pure audio readings, Catching a rich man , and In the Body. Hie yourself to the Realaudio player if you're still in the dark, or silence, or whatever metaphor applies. Those without the patience to listen to soundfiles (though Realaudio has very little loading time due to streaming technology) have my sympathy. However, only those who leave behind everything that they have ever believed in can hope to escape (WBurroughsSr), and those who wish to save their lives [time] will lose them...(Luke 9)

There are also two old-fashioned poetry performances utilizing .wav file technology at this site. Scroll down, Luddite...

Speaking of old-fashioned, for the sound-aversive I have performed a silent poetry reading Realvideo-recorded and available after only one click. The video unfortunately kicks in after the poem has already started, but its text is here.

.WAV file readings....

A soundfile intro to the graphics/.wav file performance, "Jason's Music in Tritones."

Click here to actually start up Jason's music.

The soundfile intro for the first poem up on this site, "Last night"
And go to "Last night" tonight.

Tired of poetry? Listen to a little whimsy by way of goodbye.

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