I. S.C.A. Archery
II. Equipment
III. The Way
IV. Links
The Society for Creative Anachronism is an educational, non-profit organization. In the SCA we re-create the Middle Ages as we would have liked them to be. There are 15 kingdoms and numerous principalities, baronies, shires and cantons. We create a persona. Someone we would like to have been if we lived in period. The SCA covers the years 600 to 1660, so there is a lot to choose from.
The SCA holds events all year long at which we have tourneys, wars, music, dancing, feasting, royal courts, merchants and of course target archery.
SCAdian archers
While the bow may be of modern construction, Scadian target archery only allows the use of recurve bows, longbows and crossbows. We only allow arrows with wooden shafts and real feathers for the fletching. No modern compound bows or non-wooden arrows may be used. We also do not allow modern attached sights, but marks on the limb of the bow are ok.
The most common shoot in the SCA is the royal round. It consists of a flight of 6 arrows at 20 yards, 30 yards 40 yards and a 30 second speed shoot at 20 yards wherein you may loose as many arrows at the target as you can. The average scores of your best three royal rounds within a year, become your royal round average. At any given event there may be various different types of novelty shoots as well.
In the east kingdom, where I live, any RR average makes you an Archer, an average of 40 or better makes you a Marksman, 60 Bowman, 80 Master and an average of 100 or better makes you a Grand Master Bowman.
King Henry VIII of England
In the SCA we are encouraged to create a medeival persona. My father and I both use the last name MacDaill when in persona. Thus, the "MacDaill Way".
We feel that in medeival times any given archer may have put marks on his bow as sights. Who really knows? We don't use modern sights, however. My father Lord Dael mac Daill (GMB, Sag) , taught me a system he learned from Lord Nicetas Lecapenus (GMB, Sag) using marks on the upper limb of the bow as sights. Using his method, we both achieved the rank of Grand Master Bowman.
Most people are taught to shoot the "Instinctive" way. Using this method, one is taught the basics and then told to shoot at the bullseye untill they can hit it instinctivly. For many people this method can take a very long time to master.
I have found that using The MacDaill Way will give anyone a chance to hit the bullseye in a reasonably short time.
My GMB badge