On June 15, at the most heavily attended General Meeting since this struggle began over two and a half years ago, a two-thirds majority of the PCGTA membership gave a vote of confidence to its Negotiating Team by ratifying unanimously a Memo of Understanding (MOU) between the Tenants' Association and the Landlord. The MOU provides tenancy protections through the year 2014 and rent calculations that are tied to income, effectively providing more assurances of security than any other building of its kind in the country. Though some clauses were questioned by some members, the memo addressed every item on the Priorities List drawn up at a previous General Meeting.

Attending this meeting and answering questions were our attorneys Harvey Shapiro and GBLS's Jeff Purcell, Development Consultant Emily Achtenberg, and special guest Mr. Thomas O'Malley, Director of Finance for the Boston Redevelopment Authority, who, along with BRA attorney Saul Shapiro, has been instrumental in breaking the negotiations logjam between Landlord and tenants and in shaping this document.

As of this writing (July 8), the Landlord has signed the Memo of Understanding, making it the most encouraging document we have received from him since November 1995.

However, the PCGTA Negotiations Team has just received the LandIord's rewritten version of our complete Articles of Agreement (the actual binding document which all parties must sign) which contains so many radical deletions and changes that it would be unreasonable to expect anything to be signed by the agreed deadline of July 10. (Emphasis added by webmaster.)

On June 30, a meeting was held in the Community Room for all tenants to discuss the PCGTA's application for a $30,000 grant from HUD. As explained by Emily Achtenberg, these funds will become available in September, and will be administered by CEDAC in the same manner as our previous CEDAC grant, for use in paying our attorney and consultant fees. Due to prolonged negotiations, our expenses have been massive; which brings us to our next item...

It is the policy of the PCGTA that all member households must be current in their dues in order to participate in the settlement agreement. PCGTA members who are behind in their dues are being asked to make an appointment with the Steering Committee/ Board of Directors to discuss inability to pay, hardship cases and a payment plan. It is the responsibility of those households who wish to apply for these considerations to contact the Board and to provide reasonable documentation. The first set of appointments will be held on Thursday, July 16, beginning at 7 PM in the Community Room. To make an appointment, please call Phil Salkind, or Fritz Winegardner.

The Second Annual Pet Pride Day will be held on Sunday, July 12 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at Franklin Square Park, located at Washington Street and West New ton Street in the South End. The PCGTA will once again be "catering" this celebratory affair, and we are looking for volunteers to make baked goods and to staff the PCGTA table. Tenants who worked the event last year had a terrific time, and all proceeds will go directly into the PCGTA bank account. To volunteer your time or baking skills, please call Fritz Winegardner.

Rahman Taqwa, tenant organizer of the Mandela Project, will be the special guest speaker of the PCGTA at a General Meeting to be held on Sunday, July 19, at 7 PM in the Community Room.

Mr. Taqwa, a respected voice for action in the community, will speak on issues relating to tenant organizing and diversity. This will be the sole item on the evening's agenda. All PCGTA members are urged to attend this important meeting.

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