

Welcome to Amorphous Designs Home Page. In here you will find hundreds of FREE professionally designed web graphics. These web specific graphics have been designed with web color safe palettes. Also, they have been compressed to keep file size (which equates to download time) to the bare minimum without compromising their quality.

The purpose of this site is to offer as much web page graphics and design help as I can. I'm a very left brained individual, which means, I do not have much spontaneous or artistic inclination. But recently I learned that you can train your brain to react to both sides, so this site is my effort to such training. Of course, my real purpose is to make available to everybody the real and altruistic benefit of the World Wide Web. People exchanging knowledge and ideas. As I embarked on this new adventure, I soon realized that web graphics were expensive and in many cases what I considered not very Web friendly, (large file size etc.). As you surf my many pages, you will find Seamless Tile Backgrounds, Border Backgrounds, as well as Buttons, Bars, Bullets and what I call Styles families of graphics that coordinate.

What do I ask in return? A simple credit & link back to this page for the use of my graphics. For more details, why not visit my Terms & Conditions page.

And now, without any further ado, please come into my Cyber Home. ipenter

Created By: Rafael C. Leon, Webmaster
Copyright © 1994-1998 Amorphous Designs. All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized Duplication Strictly Forbidden. Last Updated: August 16, 1998