Lianna and Shelby's Home Page!!

Lianna at 18 months. She has grown up so fast! She can talk in complete sentences and thinks she is such a big girl now...well, I guess she is! And, she is now a BIG SISTER!! Here is an ultrasound picture of her little sister, Shelby Jae. She was due to arrive on or around March 8, 2001 but decided to wait until March 16th, when we had to convince her to come on out and meet everyone!

Here is Shelby in her hospital pose.

The one below is of Shelby taken at just under 2 weeks old.

This one was taken when Shelby was only 3 weeks old, on Easter morning. Lianna had to be assisted in holding Shelby upright!! That is what accounts for the looks on their faces...they didn't quite know what we wanted them to do!! Of course, right after the picture was taken, Lianna knew just what to do--- FIND THOSE EASTER EGGS!!!! (Bare with me -- I need to redo this one and replace it. Hopefully, soon. But wanted to get this one on here to show off my two beautiful girls!)

Click below for all the sonogram pictures of baby Lawson before she made her appearance!!!

More pictures of Lianna

Lianna's ultrasound pictures

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Baby animation is provided courtesy of Kitty Roach