Salad with Blue Cheese

Reach for flash
gordon bleu
not the veal thing.

Give me my 7-up
the unkoala
Don't be a marsupial
in my thorn garden.

I'll clock you with
Pat's brass candlestick.
Don't taunt me
I know what Israel's about.

©1983, 1998 Joey the Street Poet

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Billy club of censorship
gets my (Billy) goat.
Radio Free Hollysha
They will eat you
like the Shah of Iran
& Somoza
You're another Marcos
waiting to be plucked

©1983, 1998 Joey the Street Poet


Will I remember?

Will I remember
Nov. 5-6 '83?
poseur poets censor liborium
I return to the laboratory
and concoct my own.

©1983, 1998 Joey the Street Poet



Hot tomorrow
Chile today
In '73 they killed poets
now "poets" function
As Sultans of Culture
In the Holy City
Cut me with your Scimitar
of censorship
but my poetry is blood on your tennies

©1983, 1998 Joey the Street Poet


Joey The Street Poet
Copyright ©1998-2001 streetpoet. All rights reserved.