Hi, I'm Sapphire Rain, but you can call me Sap, just like the blood of the trees. I don't quite have blue blood like Azura Lune, but I take pride in being a protector of the forest. Let me tell you a little about my job.

Without the precious blue raindrops, where would any of us be? So, I'm happy to simply be a part of the lifeforce that flows through everything. I'm not sure the Azura Lune has yet understood her role, but me (not meaning to brag), I wasn't distracted with all the pomp and glory of being a pixie princess (or whatever her highness is calling herself lately). Therefore I was able to look long and hard for what role I played in "life." I found myself whizzing thgough the rainclouds, tearing holes in their pockets to let out those crystal cool drops of life. And, as I did this, I looked down to where they fell. An old brown oak looked up to me and smiled. New seedlings pushed their way through the earth to glance at me as I passed. The waving green grass bowed to me almost in homage.

Since then I have strived to be a good forest-dweller. I live in Azura's treehouse to be closer to my work. Living in the branches of a giant oak does have its appeal. The main tree of the treehouse (there are several others) is an ancient, but healthy, oak measuring fifteen feet in diameter. (Yes, I'm sure you can find one that size if you look long and hard inside your imagination.) There are also two black walnut trees, each providing fruit for our sligshot target practice. Everyone in the treehouse loves a good game of "Nutshot" once in a while.

There are so many interesting things to do in the treehouse. Drop in again sometime.

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