
Page Last Updated:April 28, 2006

9.11 A reflective picture of the WTC attack from the TMNT's point of view...

Old logs and much more from #HLA, #TMNT, and #TP so check it out!

Just For Fun 1!

Just For Fun 2!

Just For Fun 3!

Just For Fun 4!

HAPPY: Beltane, May Day, Cinco De Mayo, Wesak, Mother's Day, Armed Forces Day, Ascension, and Memorial Day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Jenn, Me, Wendy & Nikki!

It's been crazy with updates, but don't expect to see any new artwork any time soon. I've been focusing on stuff I might be inclined to sell or enter into Juried Shows so they won't be appearing online. That and planning a wedding and getting ready to graduate is taking up all spare time I can handle! So sorry if things are sparce! ANnyyywaayy...have a great FALL all!!!
Hey, I'd like to time out here for a sec to give a HUGE thanx to Emer/Raph, Rose, Kameko and HLM. They've been helping me w/ this page more so than I can ask! So thanks BUNCHES! I really appreciate the extra help! (I also want to thank ALL of those that have contributed here, especially those who've added their own images to the fanart gallery. It means a lot, so thanks!)

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This TMNT Fan-art Ring site is owned by Klork n' Kameko

All Images on this page are Copyright Erica Branum, 1997-2006 and should be used ONLY under permission. The only exception is the Web Rating image done by Mab--see her website here!