Page Last Updated: March 26, 1999

Just for fun 2!

Hi! Welcome to the #tmnt just for fun part of the gallery! This page is mainly for jokes, good lines, or other things for all of the #tmnt characters. So read on and enjoy!

(note, some quotes come from #turtlepower, #tmnt, #tmnt_mm, NT:TNM, and other TMNT related sources. This page does NOT recognise any of the arguments and grudges held in any of the Ninja turtle channels on IRC, thank you for understanding --Klork)

*** Topic is 'Welcome to #TMNT, where Chanserv kidnaps our topics on a regular basis!'

This is just plain scary..
*** Mick is now known as Mick_Spice
* RicaChica ACKS!
Roseangelo EW!
* RicaChica is scared....
Mick_Spice Mick Power!
Raphael It's....SUPER MICK!
* RicaChica RUNS!
Emerald_Isle AAAAAAAAaaa!!!
* RicaChica skids behind Emer
RicaChica hide me!!
* Emerald_Isle dives behind the couch
Ninjatron We're in trouble now!
RicaChica gyah!
* RicaChica dives behind the couch as well
* Mick_Spice sings
* Raphael shapes outta the room
* Venus screams!
* Klork dives into a spork portal
* Venus teleports someplace
RicaChica ohmygodohmygodohmygod!
RicaChica we're all gonna die, EMER!
* Roseangelo runs into her room and deadbolts the door shut
Emerald_Isle Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
* Mick_Spice dances
Ninjatron It's burning out my audio sensors! It's TORTURE!!
* Mick_Spice takes off his clothes to reveal....
* Raphael shapes outta the room again
*** Mick_Spice is now known as Mick_Ice
* RicaChica SCREAMS!!!!!! (again)
Mick_Ice Ice, Ice.... ow!
* Roseangelo screams from inside her room!!!!!!!!!!!!
Emerald_Isle This is worse!!!!!!
Ninjatron Ack!
Emerald_Isle We're gonners!
Roseangelo makeitstop!makeitstop!makeitstop!makeitstop! makeitstop!makeitstop!makeitstop!makeitstop!makeitstop!makeitstop! makeitstop!makeitstop!makeitstop!makeitstop!makeitstop!makeitstop! makeitstop!makeitstop!makeitstop!
Mick_Ice Go, Mick, go, Mick, go!
Emerald_Isle PLEASE...yes...
Ninjatron Eeesh..
* Emerald_Isle points to the door
Emerald_Isle Go Mick, go Mick, GO!

More fun with nick changes...
*** HLMInDaShower is now known as HappyLittleMoron
HappyLittleMoron Or rather..
*** HappyLittleMoron is now known as CleanLittleMoron
CleanLittleMoron *G*

Klork Hey, HLM! guess what yesterday was!?
* Klork grins evilly
HappyLittleMoron Ummmm......Monday?
Klork Nooo...well, yeah..but NO
Klork National Pig Day!
HappyLittleMoron Oh!
HappyLittleMoron Um...that's nice! LOL!!!!!
HappyLittleMoron BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* HappyLittleMoron is reminded of that know...the commertial with the dog...chanting "Bacon"...

Spelling Lessons
Demon-in-golden-G-string ENLIGHTEN ME....
* Leonardo gets a lamp
* Leonardo hands it to Demon
Leonardo there... you are enlightened
* Raphael could stick that g-string in an electrical socket and REALLY enlighten you...
* Klork could take off the g-string and make you lighter..
HappyLittleMoron NO KORK!
Klork Kork???
HappyLittleMoron ERR...DLORK!
Klork Dlork??
HappyLittleMoron Klork!
Klork why is it so hard to type!!!?!
* Demon-in-golden-G-string wonders if I should start table dancing
Klork NO!!!!
Misty No comment on that
Leonardo today's typing lesson: Klork
HappyLittleMoron K.L.O.R.K.

* HappyLittleMoron pats Klror...Klork on the shoulder
HappyLittleMoron Ya can't win 'em all...
* Klork eyes HLM..
Klork Don't you start that again!
HappyLittleMoron UHM...why are you eyeing me?!
HappyLittleMoron I'm HAPPY single!
* Klork shakes his head..."oy......."
* Wendoline adds "...vey."

Wendoline Raph lives on a biiiig siland.
Wendoline err
Wendoline island.
Raphael Nope
Raphael Pennisula
Wendoline thought it was an island. how bout that.
Wendoline say what, Raph?
Wendoline A what???
* Wendoline loooks at spelling
RicaChica pennisula??
RicaChica is that like pennicilian? or something like that.....
Raphael Gah
Raphael You guys know what I mean...
Wendoline HEy, could be worse.
Wendoline Could have been one n.
* Wendoline runs
Raphael *snort*

* Dinonychus chases veloceraptor around
* Dinonychus eats all the fish and sushi and such, strewn on the floor
Dinonychus grawf glump
* Dinonychus eats some wasabi
* Selana screams her battle cry and leaps at Dino
* Selana raises her talons
Selana YUCK
Selana bleh, what table manners....
* Dinonychus runs, wheeking, to drink out of the sink
* Dinonychus now has to go to the potty
* Dinonychus gallops to the bathroom
* Dinonychus has big, sickle shaped claws on each foot
Leonardo if you were standing in line for the john and saw that coming?
* Dinonychus is the real Velocraptor
Leonardo ROTFL!
Dinonychus Veloceraptor

Akward ppl that just..drop in..
*** Mulder_Loves_Scully has joined #tmnt
*** Stuff has joined #TMNT
***foot has joined #tmnt
***therapist has joined #tmnt
*** Quadropoligic-midget has joined #tmnt
*** THE-BOX has joined #TMNT
*** Dead-Juliet has joined #TMNT
*** tastetherainbow has joined #TMNT

Dead-Juliet age/sex/Loc
Shredder 454/Unknown/Mars
Raphael Too old/sometimes/depends on the answer to #2

Ninjara hey Klork... HLM got a RL rubber chicken for X-Mas!
* Klork got an inflatable bucket!
Ninjara inflatable... bucket?
Raphael The Bucket that ate New York!
HappyLittleMoron The Bucket: Coming to a theater near you!
Raphael Merry Buckets to all, and to all a good night!
Klork he's mr bucket..buckets of fun...
Phoenix-gal Buckets... buckets everywhere!!!
* Ninjara does not know what this is....
* Ninjara is confusled....
* Klork is not suprised..

Ninjara what new madness is this?
Ninjara another thing to replace Golden Underwear?
HappyLittleMoron It's Bucketlike madness!
* Ninjara has quote for that: "Friends, Romans Countrymen, lend me your underwear, I come not to praise, but to BURN it!"
Klork replace GU?? OH yeah! I got some of those too for xmas!
Ninjara ooh???? bad bad

jazz2600 monkeys
jazz2600 monkeys
jazz2600 monkeys
jazz2600 monkeys
jazz2600 monkeys
Klork please be careful not to flood..
Ninjara or else Klork will have to use this inflatable bucket to start bailing the channel....
Klork hey...and we can use Leo's rowboat to get everybody out!

Resistance is futile...
*** SavnatiR has quit IRC (
Donatello Ack! The borg got SavantiR!!!!!
* Klork groans
Klork baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad..
Emerald_Isle LOL!
Ninjara oh no!
Ninjara Savanti of Borg?????
Ninjara talk about a bad assimilation!

Ninjara borg vikings?
Ninjara wow...
Ninjara what a combo
* Klork shakes his head
Klork all I see out of that is a mix of Brunhilda and Seven of nine..
Ninjara or the Borg guestarring on the Muppet show to sing the Viking Song... "in the navy" spoof

What's that? I can't see you!
* Ninjara dnale
* Ninjara cnl't tupe rtigh njo moeele
* Klork blinkblinks
* Wendoline dfkhjgkjd?
* HappyLittleMoron thinks Ninjara has lost it...
* Ninjara srew wero anym !!! penrets

Wendoline ! wendingty csnt see
HappyLittleMoron AH!
HappyLittleMoron IT'S CATCHING!!!
Wendoline Wqeterte M u?
HappyLittleMoron EEK!!
Wendoline (typing without looking)
* Wendoline can't do it

Here kitty kitty kitty...
Aignatius oh Cat-Duck!
Aignatius now theres an interesting combo.
Aignatius Does it miaou or quack?
Aignatius Mrrrawaack!
Klork sounds like a cat in a blender!
Aignatius MrrraWAAAAIAGH!
Klork Cat in a light socket.."meeeooooooowwww--ZZZT"
* Aignatius laughs hard, then suddenly grabs his pants in alarm and runs
Aignatius cat lights up like a Vegas casino

Look out Milton Bradley...
* Klork takes his ears away from his hands
* Klork pauses...
* Klork takes his HANDS away from his EARS..not vise versa...
* Klork blinks.."that would be messy"
Roseangelo LOL...
Ninjatron LOL
* Emerald_Isle envisions Klork peeling his ears off of his hands, and trying to put 'em back...
Emerald_Isle "Dang things, they keep coming off!"
TurleNina ew.
Ninjatron Removable ear Klork!
* Emerald_Isle bapbapbapbapbaps NT!!!!!
* Emerald_Isle then goes into a choking fit
Ninjatron Whaaaaaat?
* Emerald_Isle was SWALLOWING my pop when you said that!
TurleNina LOL
Ninjatron Well, you shouldn't drink that stuff! *G*
* Emerald_Isle bapbapbapbapbaps NT AGAIN
Roseangelo LOL
Ninjatron Ow!
Klork Do you get humor out of that Emer? Kinda like playin' kick the can..only it's bap the bot'..
Emerald_Isle "The new and exciting game"
Ninjatron Eeeesh..
Emerald_Isle Hey, bro (NT, bro), we should try to market this one!
Ninjatron This bot baps back, buddy!
Emerald_Isle Whoa...say that 5 times fast
Roseangelo You can have the home version, the video game .. and the cheesy expensive prime time game show!

More O' Raph...

Raphael "What has no bod, is really mod, and's the ruler of Shredhead's gang? What's squishy and pink, blobs in the sink, it's Krang, Krang, Krang!"

Raphael Hey, what do you get when you cross Lee Ioccoca with Vam Mi?
Leonardo blood sucking...
Wendoline Uhm Crysler Vampire?
Leonardo car that sucks your wallet dry?
Raphael AutoExec.bat :)
Leonardo boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeeMG Hehehe!
RicaChica LOL, Raph...bad..but LOL
Wendoline HAAA
Selana LOL!
Wendoline who came up with that one?
Wendoline good un to put on that page..

*** superfly- (~weezer@ has joined #tmnt
``Misty May we help you?
superfly nope
superfly just waitin out the akick
``Misty superfly is on a b-a-n
superfly seems like somebody forgot
*** RaphSicle was kicked from #tmnt by RaphSicle (OH, why wait?)
::Note From Raphael::
"lesson learned: Make sure it's not YOUR name highlighted before you click that ol' button"

30 Raphael has joined #tmnt
superfly nice one
*** superfly- was kicked by Raphael (Let's try this again *G* )
Raphael One of my finer moments, that was *G*
Brent_Jones I guess
Raphael I'm cold...yeah, that's my brain was frozen *G*
* Brent_Jones snickers I don't know how you managed that one
Raphael Had my name highlighted, I guess
Raphael Was I surprised when I blipped out *G*
Raphael Too much Brady Bunch...yeah, that's it
* Brent_Jones points to Raph 1It was him just so you know *G*
* Raphael wavels

Raphael Guilty as charged

Shredder hmm, 8 babies in texas...
Raphael There are probably more than that, Shred

*** Raphael has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Gnad_ISP)))

Raph?? Mr Olympia? Oh no...
* Raven_Shadow sighs overdramatically and comes back out, adding some wax onto Leo's head for extra shine
Leonardo euu
Leonardo look.. I don't reallly need that
Leonardo Raph is the buff one
Raven_Shadow eh, well technically you're all IN the buff..
Raphael Yeah but....
Leonardo well there is IN the buff...
Leonardo naked
Leonardo nude
Leonardo undressed...
* Raphael goes into his Mr Olympia poses
Leonardo and Raph ...
Raven_Shadow eh..
Ninjara wwwweeeee!
StoneColdNinjatron I can beat that..
Ninjara ow OW! baaaby!
Ninjara >:)
Ninjara hehehe
* Raphael keeps posing
StoneColdNinjatron Amature..
* Ninjara has a dollar bill....
* Raphael poses closer to Ninjara
* Raven_Shadow holds her hands over her eyes.. "Minor in the audience! Please keep all Olympia poses to a minimum!"
* Ninjara sticks the dollar in Raph's belt...
* Ninjara adds a loonie too
* Raphael REALLY begins posing
Leonardo gads Raph... heh
* QueenFoonia closes her eyes, not wanting to see ANY of this...
Savanti-Floating I got a ten for the first one to get down and funky
Raphael There...I'm done posing
StoneColdNinjatron And we are glad

It's just another one of those things you prefer not to ask about...
Emerald_Isle I am NOT chewy!!
Emerald_Isle Ask anyone!
Klork eh...
* Klork blinks
Emerald_Isle No...wait...that's not what I meant...
Klork how they would know...
* Roseangelo would prefer NOT to ask anyone Emer
Klork is not information I need to know..
Emerald_Isle Um...I think I'll just go hide in a corner...

Klork omigosh...she lives too??
* Klork screams
Emerald_Isle No, I don't...leave the flowers and go away

More Quit Messages
*** Emerald_Isle has quit IRC (Gross, TMNT diapers?)
*** Emerald_Isle has quit IRC (My toys were my friends, till you taught them all how to bite. - Alice Cooper)
*** RicaChica has quit IRC ("And yes, remember kids: Just because you eat beans before a bath, does NOT make it a bubble bath!")
*** Venus has quit IRC (Brain: Pee! Oh pee-pee! Why?! See, oh see?! 'kay! Pinky: Oh! I see pee-pee too! oh why, oh why?!)
*** Klork has quit IRC ("Chemotherapy?! Barbaric!" -- Bones - Star Trek IV)
*** Gerbie has quit IRC (Artificial legs!! Argg! There's always something comin between me and my dinner isn't there?)
*** Ninjatron has quit IRC ("Je m'appele bite me!" -Crow T Robot)
*** Ninjatron has quit IRC ("Some say the ducks flew to Canada. Others say Toronto" -Bart Simpson)
*** Ninjatron has quit IRC ("There's an old saying. Lady Luck favours the hopelessly insane. She must have had you in mind, Pinky." -Brain)
*** Thera has quit IRC (Until you've liven the life of a statue, don't talk to me about pigeons.)
*** Seline_TruFeather has quit IRC (Quit: "When diplomacy fails, violence is the only answer." --Jane Way -Star Trek Voyager)
*** Emerald_Isle has quit IRC (So, let me get this straight. You want to fly on a magic carpet, to see the King of the Potato People and plead with him for your freedom. And you're telling me you're completely sane?)
*** HappyLittleGhost has quit IRC (I am Moron. I practice the way of the Moron. May the Rubber Chicken be with you.)
*** Emerald_Isle has quit IRC (I refuse to eat anything that's in a cartoon...rabbit, hedgehog, road runner, coyote, cat, dog...I am NOT a cartoonivore.)
*** Shadow has quit IRC ("And then he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife 10 times!")
*** Venus has quit IRC (Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars ... let me see what spring is like on jupiter and mars)
*** Mick has quit IRC ("Double up on the chop suey and kill the royal family." - Archie Bunker)
*** Ninjatron has quit IRC ("Ain't that a kick in the lugnuts!"-Depth Charge)
*** Ninjatron has quit IRC ("Oh joy..cyber puberty.." -Rattrap, speaking of Cheetor)
*** Klork has quit IRC (For sale: Used Parachute. Never been opened. Small stain.)

Neenja Classes of Education

* Neenjatequila 101 -- Instructor: Ninjatron
Klork one ninjatequila....two ninjatequila... three ninjatequila...FLOOR..
Ninjatron Too much sake
Roseangelo neenja that drink quickly, pass out in blink of eye
* Pain 101 -- Instructor: Casey Jones
* Neenjamath 101 -- Instructor: Klork

Venus E Spork P!
Klork but what if P sporked E?
Klork but would that make it P Spork E squared?
Venus What if P sporked the pee out of E?
Klork E = Spork P Squared!
Venus you can square your pee?
* Neenja Sa-sa-ing 210 -- Instructor: Roseangelo
Roseangelo it's a more advanced course
* Neenja Bapping 101 -- Instructor: Raphael
* Foriegn Language: Moronese 101 -- Instructor: HappyLittleMoron
* Culinary Arts 101 -- Instructor: Michaelangelo
* Kicking 101 -- Instructor: Wick

Don't know much biology...
Aignatius nice lean meat
Aignatius yummm
Klork lean meat? good grief, Aig...are you talking about ducks or the younger women still?!
Aignatius probably both, lassie
Klork uhhh.....lassie?
* Klork looks down into his shirt
Klork not last I checked..
Hacker Who let the dog in?
Raphael Go save Timmy, Lassie!
Klork Lassie!! COme home!!!
* Aignatius squints at Klork
Aignatius oh my you aren't a lassie are ye?
Aignatius forgive me
Raphael The long hair fooled ya *G*
Aignatius how could I mistake ye fer a girlie girl?
Aignatius nah, I have long hair...
Aignatius just wasn't paying attention
Phoenix-gal Maybe its Laddie. Lassie's pup?
Raphael Ok...what's the diff between a girl, a girlie girl, a girlie boy, and a boyie girl?
* Emerald_Isle gives Raph THE LOOK
* Klork whines

Aignatius Raph you have to ask me such difficult and complex questions
* HappyLittleMoron thinks Raph hasn't been paying enough attention in Biology class
* Raphael didn't take biology
* Phoenix-gal points to Hacker, "That's a boyie girl!!"

And now for something, COMPLETELY different...

The Snot Saga

Like all days, it starts out ... normal in #tmnt...

* Raven_Shadow eyes the midget
Raphael Gezundheit, Raven
Leonardo hmmm notice the boingieness.... seems to me to ... seem just a hair familiar
* Raphael points to Raven "Nekkyo Raven, Nekkyo Raven"
* Raven_Shadow looks at Raph.."Midori kobito!"
* Raphael tosses Raven a kleenex for all this sneezing
* Raven_Shadow blows her nose on Leonardo
Leonardo !!!
* Raven_Shadow hands the tissue back to Raph
Raven_Shadow there we go..
QueenFoonia Ewwwww....
Misty poor Leo
VoiceChaser LOL!
* Leonardo wipes my side on Shadow
Leonardo there.. snot back at ya
* Raven_Shadow doesn't see Casey and April's kid around here...
Leonardo hmf
* Leonardo ALSO wipes myself ON RAVEN SHADOW.. returning the gift of snot back to the .. snorter
* Raven_Shadow pauses.."gift of snot eh?"
* Raven_Shadow hands it back, "I'm not an indian giver!"
* Leonardo does not want your snot...

And then, we get the deranged bad-guy thrown in...

* ^^^Terror^^^ shapes up a gun, and shots Leonardo in the back of his shell from the shadows of the lair.
Raven_Shadow or his shot I take it?
* QueenFoonia looks up
QueenFoonia Oh god...
Leonardo uh
Leonardo is that supposed to hurt?
* ^^^Terror^^^ blasts Leonardo in his right leg.
Raphael Hey!
Leonardo uh... is he trying to kill me?
* Raven_Shadow arches a brow.."seems fixated on ya.."
* Raven_Shadow shrugs
* VoiceChaser hmmms. "It seems to be that way, Leo."
Donatello I think so Leo!
Leonardo I mean, this goes beyond being snotted on
* QueenFoonia erks and stands up

Here's where everybody in the lair starts attacking the deranged bad guy all at the same time...

* Leonardo thows Raven Snot at Terror
Leonardo here, have a gift
* Raven_Shadow is...thrown?
* Raven_Shadow hmms.."wee.."
* ``Misty attacks Terror
* Raphael blasts at Terror
* QueenFoonia throws cheese wiz off her cape at Terror
* Savanti-Floating throws itching powder on Terror

Naturally, the bad guy's gotta defend himself...

* ^^^Terror^^^ shapes the itching powder off.
* ^^^Terror^^^ grabs Misty and throws her at Raphael, letting his blast hit her.

And the reaction?

``Misty ARGH!!!!!!!
VoiceChaser Ack!

Yet the conversation MUST go on

Leonardo did like that shot get bounced off my shell?
* Raven_Shadow shrugs
Raven_Shadow you're just special, just went and bounced RIGHT off!
Leonardo gee, musta been that protective snot coating

And on...

* Savanti-Floating starts playing with his infimous fireballs and launches acouple toward Terror
* QueenFoonia rolls her eyes, knowing the fireballs do nothing
* Leonardo definitely is glad Splinter is not here to see the MESS LOL

Raven_Shadow this mess??? ok, what about his MESS in the shower from all the fur he clogs the drain with!?
* ``Misty lays motionless on the floor
VoiceChaser Mists!
* VoiceChaser runs to her side....
* VoiceChaser nudges her.

If you think this place is strange now, just wait til you see what happens next ...

* Raven_Shadow pauses and looks at Terror
Raven_Shadow hmm..
Raven_Shadow ya know, you're kinda cute..
* Raven_Shadow winks
Leonardo oh!
* QueenFoonia blinkblinks
^^^Terror^^^ Me?
StoneColdNinjatron Haha!
Raven_Shadow yeah...kinda sexy for the evil shaper kinda guy..
Leonardo now.. this is most unexpected....
* Raven_Shadow wavels her finger at Terror.."why don'tcha come up and see me some time?"
^^^Terror^^^ \:-/
* QueenFoonia is dumbfounded but finds it amusing...
* VoiceChaser turns and blinkblinks.
* Raven_Shadow blows a kiss at Terror
* Leonardo sits back to make sure I am not bleeding anywhere from Terror attacking me... laughing

Raven_Shadow catch big boy..
* Raven_Shadow winks again
* QueenFoonia stifles a laugh

VoiceChaser I'm... afraid now.
Leonardo this is most amusing! Terror.. .struck confused... and speechless?
* Raven_Shadow walks towards Terror, swaying her hips
* ^^^Terror^^^ is just standing there, with a weird look on his face...

Raven_Shadow I like you big bad evil..smelly...shaper.. dumbfounded...kinky kinda bad guys!
* Raven_Shadow grins
StoneColdNinjatron If it weren't for that shaper part, I'd think she was talking about Rocksteady..
* Raven_Shadow walks over and kisses Terror on the cheek.. " sure are hot too!"
^^^Terror^^^ Hey, I don't date.
* Raven_Shadow walks away from Terror, swaying her hips again.."give me a ring if you change your mind.."
* Raven_Shadow smirks
Leonardo what IS this world coming to?
VoiceChaser I wouldn't wanna see the kids

As much as I'm sure you'd LOVE to see more of this, I think I'll stop here

And if you thought THAT was bad...


* Aignatius smeerps Raph on the beak
Raphael Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!
Aignatius I finally kissed a turtle
Emerald_Isle Raph's beak is off limits for smeerping, unless you're Ninjara
Hacker A little late for that Emer
* Raphael was JUST about to say that, Hacker
Hacker So we think alike. Oh GOD that's scary!!!!
Hacker I've got enough people sharing my mind right now, Raph. Please find a different one. :P
Aignatius men kiss one another in some lands...
Aignatius in greeting!
Raphael We've both been here for a few hours... I think we were beyond the greeting stage.
Emerald_Isle "beyond" it? You two picking out curtains or something now?
Aignatius Impossible he doesn't even know the decor of my home.
Raphael That's NOT what I meant!
* Emerald_Isle smirks
Emerald_Isle you DID mean.....?
Hacker Ninjara's gonna be a little upset with ya, Raph
Raphael I meant that we'd both been here for a while, so Aig couldn't have been smeerping me in greeting.
Emerald_Isle Oh, now THAT sounds better...
Hacker Going around and smeerping Aig..... for shame...

*sai* ... it only gets worse..

* Aignatius picks up NEo DevilBane and gives HIM a smeeerp
Aignatius there
Klork eww..
Raphael Ewwwwwwww
Aignatius that should wake him up a bit.
Klork Aig's kissin' the guys now..THAT'S IT!
Aignatius my word man, what sort of aftershave is that?
* Aignatius fans his face

If you're not scared will be after this...

* Aignatius stops and looks at Klork and Hacker
Aignatius Eeeny meeny miney mo...
Klork NO!
Aignatius catch a monkey by the toe
Aignatius if he bites your toe
Aignatius let him go
Aignatius no that's not how it goes
Aignatius erk
HappyLittleMoron Oh man...
Klork Take HACKER!
* Klork points to Hacker
* Aignatius jumps after Hacker
* Klork whews

HappyLittleMoron EEH!
* Aignatius sSMEEERPS Hacker
Raphael Get the horny one *Points to Savanti*
Raphael Horned! I meant HORNED!
Aignatius ack
Aignatius not gonna kiss that one