Luc VORELLI is an amateur painter
settled in Saint Martin, in the French West
Indies for 6 years. Its paintings are inspired
from the local culture and from its inhabitants.
The bright colors and the wildly style will spend
you, we hope so, a pleasant moment with these 2
Luc VORELLI, peintre francais amateur
installé à Saint Martin, aux Antilles
Françaises depuis 6 ans. Ses peintures sont
inspirées de la culture locale et de ses
habitants. Les couleurs vives et le style sans
retenue vous ferons passer, nous l'espérons, un
agréable moment avec ces 2 expositions.
E-mail me:
of the painters of Saint Martin, he has exhibited
for the Grand Case Expo from 11th to 31th March
From the January 1st, 2001, a new painting will be exhibited each week. To access to them, click on the hypertext link ,"New paintings"!!!