Vachana of the week


If we look at the world history and human civilization, the human existence boils down to ONLY THREE words – WOMEN (Hennu), WEALTH (Haunnu) LAND (Mannu). Ignoring their dictionary meaning and understanding their subtle meaning, these are the basic parameters of HUMAN EXISTANCE. In Indian philosophy, we come across with totally rejection of these THREE parameters! They tried to separate LIFE without these THREE parameters of Human Existence!!

Our sharana Manchanna do not agree with it. He stresses the importance of these parameters and uses them intelligently for the realization of higher truths. He recommends converting PROBLEMS into CHALLENGES of Human LIFE. He tells also SECRET of ACTION. His mantra is use parameters of human existence for the upliftment of Human LIFE.

As a hamsa bird separate the milk from the water and DO NOT reject milk. The gist is separate truth from the untruth without rejecting LIFE.

His second advice is, when the oil is added to the water, the oil does not lose it basic identity- burning property. In the same way we must maintain the brilliance of the soul in the world of contamination.

We know the gold is derived from the deep crust of the earth, the earth and gold are interdependent with their own unique existence.

In the same way maintain all the brilliance of unique identity with perfect harmony.

 - Sharana Manchanna

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