What does it mean? Genus and species darling.
My two favorites.
One I left in the damp soil of the forests I call home.
I have surrounded myself with the other.
Felines: I am currently in a pride with two cats.
We used to live out in the country and rescued a cat on average
of once each year. Some stupid ass gets a kitten because it's
cute, then gets tired of taking care of it. So they take them
out to the country and drop them off. I suppose they think that
the cat will be able to fend for itself. Which is moronic,
considering that the cat has had someone to feed, clean, and care
for as long as it can remember.

They think the same thing about dogs though, and take them out
there too. So there's a bunch of starving stray dogs running
around eating the stray cats. It's a brutal way that a lack of
responsibility manifests itself. We used to feed our cats outside, the
lucky strays dodged dogs, cars, and rabid satanists to find our home.

Our Felines


Trillium: A flower from the order Lilliaceae. Members of this family
of flowers generally have six petals arranged in increments of three.
This family includes the calla, tiger, easter, and day lillies. Perhaps
the most simple and wild of the lillies is the Trillium. It grows in moist,
rich forest soils. It's no wonder that they inhabit the forests of the
Oregon Coast and Cascades.

The Trillium is characterized by the arrangement of it's petals. It has
a wide, hollow stem, from which sprout three leaves creating a rosette
around the stem. The petals are generally white or dark pink and arranged
in a similar manner as the leaves. There are two sets, a large flaboyant
trio, with a smaller green set underneath. Here is a picture to demonstrate
the configuration.