Michael's work page

general stuff

my more structured page is here Here is a German CV - here is a a English CV which is more recent

some evil photographes here and here and here

stuff I am working on:

some old links from back ... forgot when ...
links from lately (16/03/01 bookmark update)
the University of Exeter Pallas Group's still active bibliography on cyberspace stuff and is an old version
some PostDoc searching is happening here
the first approach to a Common Tales page

A Life in 3D

- the 5 minute moving image piece (May 2000)
working papger 17/02/00)


- the first written dissertation (May 2000)
Oh wonder! here is a version of the ole "The Architecture of interactive Storytelling: Stories in Virtual Spaces" paper (24/07/00)
This is the altered Shapeshifter version of this text
The pretty final version of the scroope article with the promising title Talespaces and the pictures but BEWARE! the picture file is 2.8 MB

Once upon a space

- the 15 minute moving image piece (July 2000)
an early
treatment (09/06/00)

the "as final as it gets" version of my screenplay (25/07/00)
the manic state mid July beetle on 16/07/00

The Architecture of Interactive Storytelling

- the written dissertation (July 2000)
a little online link page (03/08/00)
collections of ideas
a tired first version with one or two more sidenotes(16/07/00)
last current working paper
close to done (30/07/00)

Changing into PhD collection mode - Virtual Story Spaces - The narrative impact of Architecture in VR Worlds

here you should find the first sketch for the 300-500 word abstract for the Fun and computer workshop (due Nov 6)
the next version (down to 501 words) (01/11/00)
the promised "Theme map" in its third version (ca. 17/01/01)
my overdue draft paper for the camera stuff version 4 (15/01/01)
a first long version of the camera paper including some hints to the project suggested in there version 6 (20/01/01)
the version you read (with little additions in the end) version 8 (ca 23/01/01)

Wayfarer material

should be found on this site

A collection about Haven

should be found down here
a first rough outline of the Haven idea
there is a first rough schedule for a possible production (24/03/01)
and this should be the state of my Avignon paper outline (25/03/01)
and here should be the (27/03/01) version of the Avignon paper - just before my brother arrives
plus a version (28/03/01) while he is even here
finally the submitted version (31/03/01)
getting a bit more practical some remarks on what is needed (01/05/01)

The "Narrative Paper"

this is the chaotic spine doc
and this is the current (01/05/01) version
this is one after the milestone supervision v (14/06/01)
here is the "production schedule" indicating where I am at the moment (23/06/01)
more scheduling dated from the 25/11/01 and based on the supervision of 23/11/01

Here you should find my halfbaked version (19/12/01) of the Part one paper that evolves from the narrative paper

Here is a .zip file of my technical paper (14/1/2) disguised as a .doc careful! you have to right-click on the beast, do "save as...", change the suffix from .doc to .zip and then unzip it
here is the technical paper (14/1/2) without pictures as a regular worddoc
thinking about the argumentation and structure of my PhD