The Disinherited

A Tribute to Hervey Allen

1889 1949

Working Together - December 29th

"In the beginning was the forest. God made it and no man knew the end of it." So starts Hervey Allen's epic work, The Disinherited. This webpage is dedicated to this great novel with its memorable characters, it's sweeping narrative and lyrical style.

Hervey Allen died in 1949, before The Disinherited was completed. Originally, it was to contain two volumes; The City In The Dawn, and Richfield Springs. The author had completed most of the first volume;The Forest and the Fort, Bedford Village, and Toward The Morning before he died. Someone who worked closely with Mr. Allen combined these first three novels, plus a portion of a forth book, into one volume; The City In The Dawn. In a certain way, the very mystery of what might have been planned for this series, but never realized, adds an element of tragic grandeur and mythology to the entire story.

Those who have read The City In The Dawn can never forget this rousing tale of Colonial America. It is far more than a "costume drama"! Its texture is so rich, it's story so vibrant, and it's characters so true that it always appears fresh and alive.

This site will explore the author's life, these completed novels, and the magnificent novel Anthony Adverse, Hervey Allen's great literary triumph. What is being attempted on this Website is a tribute from the heart. Our hope is that those who come to this site, by design or through idle browsing, will take away with them a desire to read these books, or read them again!

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