We are with him as he enters the Masonic fraternity, joins Captain Jack's murderous band, meets the tender and lovely Phoebe, and sits by the bedside of a failing Captain Ecuyer. We are there, the night of the "big brawl" at Pendergasses, as he fights to reach his fallen friend, Ned Yates. We are also there when he settles the score of his own kidnapping.
Bedford Village is at the heart of The City In The Dawn. It is a story of passages. It accurately and beautifully portrays life in Pennsylvania of the 1760's. It brings to life for the reader mythic sized characters during an exciting and robust era in American history.
This book is a brief oasis....... a stopover in Salathiel's journey. Here is where events catch-up a bit after the fast movement of the previous book. Much transpires in front of the big hearth at Pendergasses, and allows for deeper character development. Events shape and harden Sal, "all that and more, to pour the molten metal of youth into a sterner and more enduring mould. And now the die was cast."
At Bedford Village, Salathiel finds the family that he never had, and survives the dangerous Summer.
The painting above is of Pendergasses' - 1764 "As seen from Fort Bedford"
(as realized by Andrew Wyeth) Brine&Ig
NEXT:Masonry and The City In The Dawn
NEXT:Endings and Beginnings
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