My Tribute to some of the Great Bullfighters of the past.


Ignacio Sanchez Mejias 1891 - 1934


expbul1a.gif (699 bytes) Francisco Romero 1700-1763

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)Pedro Romero 1800's

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)Juan Belmonte 1892-1962

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)Joseli'to El Gallo 1895-1920

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)Manolete 1930's 40's

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)Domingui'n 1940'50's

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)Ordonez 1950's 60's

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)El Cordobes 1960's 70's


expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)Bullfighting Origin  

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)The Corrida

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)The Call Of The Bull

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)The Suit of lights

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)The Veronica

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)The Picador

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)The Banderillas

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)The Feana

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)The Cemetery

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)The Patron Saint Of Bullfighters


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I am looking for more Photos/Pictures of these great Matadors. Please send.

Great Bullfighting Sites

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expbul2a.gif (128 bytes)Mundo -Taurinoexpbul2a.gif (128 bytes)

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expbul2a.gif (128 bytes)Mundo Toroexpbul2a.gif (128 bytes)

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expbul2a.gif (128 bytes)fibexpbul2a.gif (128 bytes)

expbul2a.gif (128 bytes)La Tauromaquiaexpbul2a.gif (128 bytes)

expbul2a.gif (128 bytes)San Ferminexpbul2a.gif (128 bytes)

expbul2a.gif (128 bytes)Unicordoba.expbul2a.gif (128 bytes)

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expbul2a.gif (128 bytes)Torosensevillaexpbul2a.gif (128 bytes)

expbul2a.gif (128 bytes)Find a Graveexpbul2a.gif (128 bytes)

expbul2a.gif (128 bytes)World of Newaveexpbul2a.gif (128 bytes)

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)Learn to Bullfightexpbul1a.gif (699 bytes)

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)Online Booking  Spanish Bullfighting expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)

expbul1a.gif (699 bytes)Hostal - Restaurante Don Juanexpbul1a.gif (699 bytes)



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