I'll be loading more items soon. I've included links to several of my works in progress, both on my own as well as with some of my collaborators.
NOTE: This material is the sole property of the author(s). ANY unauthorized use of this material, either in reproduction, broadcast or likewise will promt legal consequences (and trust me, I know a lot of lawyers). Please contact the author(s) at the following address for permission: lanadeist@yahoo.com
Favorite Links:
New Park Entertainment- Check out the hottest shows and artists coming to the Philadelphia area.
Millersville University- were I went to school
Delta Zeta- my sorority
The Snapper- the Millersville University student newspaper. I was editor-in-chief and my roommate is the new EIC. Check out this award winning newspaper!
-The Chameleon- Lancaster's trendiest night club.
- The Knot- Has saved my life planning my wedding.
Black Hole Mud Racing- My brother's little project.
  Now, some of these works are still in progress, but I will try to update them regularly

Novels/Novelas/Screen Plays

   Window Booth in an Italian Restaurant
   Last Script
Second Chance
   Electric Avenue
21st Century Fox Project- a look at modern dating
Academic Papers:

   These are just a few of many of the papers I've done over the years. Students, feel free to cite these works in your research (just use the appropriate MLA or APA style rules).
-"Percy Shelly: Male Feminist or Grand Gigalo?" - A short six pager on one of my favorite Romantic period  writers.
-"Alternative Music: The Rhetoric of Generation X"- It's nothing ground breaking about the most misunderstood generation of the 20th Century, but it might just give you a little insight.
James Joyce- Since my concentration has been in Modernism, I've actually written several papers on James Joyce.
Matt Drudge: New Media Disciple or Tabloid Opportunist"- the man everyone loves to hate.
Shakespeare- a series of response papers as well as a paper on Hamlet.
Seminar in Modern American Fiction- series of response papers on works by Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Roth, Hurston, etc.

Corey L. Clayton- Not only a great former roommate, but a good friend. Clayton is now the Travel editor at the Lancaster Newspaper Sunday News.
Resumes: Check them out here and  at hotjobs.com
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