The Poem

He mentioned that a poem had come to him
And as he walked he heard the words within
To write it down would be his only task
Elated - it was more than she could ask
She waited, then, for him to send along
The words that came to him as in a song
She felt a glow of pride that he would care
Enough to write it down so she could share
And so the task of waiting she began
While glowing in her thoughts about the man
Anticipation clouded her with doubt
And she began to whine and cry and shout
But in her heart the light did not grow dim
She knew that soon the words would come from him
And everytime he mentioned of the rhyme
She glowed with pride that he would spend the time
Then saddened when he said he'd changed the words
For these were thoughts she knew she had not heard
Yet in her heart the joy grew deeper still
For all the hours he spent were of his will
And though she yearned to read the words of rhyme
His love was felt because of all his time
And everytime he said he's written more
The sense of all his caring made her soar
So now she found confusing thoughts within
Was it the poem or the process made her grin?
For she found the longer time was spent on words
The more she felt the love she hadn't heard
She visioned, now, the image as he toiled
To find the proper words -- no rhythm spoiled
The caringness of gesture made her glow
With visions of him seeking words that flow
And the longer that he struggled at the task
The more she saw the man behind the mask
For all the unsaid love he'd often shown
Was being focused now into that poem
She knew, with love, the pages would arrive
A poem formed in love with words alive
A poem filled with loving thoughts and time
A poem filled with love amongst the rhyme

December 28,1997

© 1997

© 1997

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