You are trudging through the pouring rain, searching for some place to take shelter. Lightning flashes across the sky, and thunder rolls and booms across the land. The rain slashes at you, drenching you all the way through.

In the distance, you think you see a shining light. You try to move faster against the wind and rain, and soon you are sure a light is ahead of you. Hoping you will find shelter, you push forward. Soon you can distinguish a building made of logs. Light pours from the windows, and shadows can be seen moving across the light. You run toward the log building, shielding your eyes against the pounding rain.

You arrive at the building's door. A sign hangs above you, reading Lady Moo's Creation. The door opens, and a figure silhouetted in light stands before you. Laughter floats out from the open door.

"Weary traveler! Come in, come in, and join us! All are welcome here, come in!" says a voice like music. You step inside, and are enveloped by the light, warmth, and laughter.

Enter and be welcome...