On Earth Changes, Angels and the Greys
Much has been said over the past few decades about the changes that people feel are happening with the Earth. There
is much that needs to be addressed. Fear is the single greatest force creating the realities people, worldwide,
are experiencing. And the concerns about the millennial Earth changes are part of those fears. The world is responding
not only to the physical relationships and actions that people have been acting out, but, more importantly, to
the emotional energy that is being generated by millions of people who fear that the worst is in the process of
happening. Please pay attention to what I say here - The very first and most critical step you must take to heal
yourselves and the world is to release your fear.
Those who steal you in the night (the ones you call the Greys) and fill your minds with images of imminent devastation
are feeding your unease. The people who preach about the judgement day and about how humanity is a disease on the
face of the planet are seeking Armageddon to fulfill their own agendas. Those who would have you believe that god
can only love those who say the right name are robbing you of your dreams. And you who believe are turning your
backs on the very real and very powerful truths of your own hearts.
Yes, Earth is undergoing geological change. That happens all of the time. The natural cycles of planetary being
are to be understood, cherished and responded to in intelligent ways, not feared or seen as a sign that your humanity
is at fault.
Consider the possibility that you hold fast to the fear and to the harsh judgement of your human family's worth
because it distracts you from the real and profound tasks that await your attention. Fear is easy. Guilt is easy.
Self hatred is easy. Awareness is not. To awaken from your self-induced nightmares you must first laugh at the
demons. And love them, for they are you wearing the
masks of your terror. Do you truly wish to heal your world, your societies, and your selves? Than expect to see
angels. When you look into the eyes of the next person you meet, know that you are gazing at an angel. If that
face is the one you see in your mirror every day, then see the angel there.
Do you wish a miracle? Than give one person five minutes of undiluted love and undivided attention today. Your
acts of kindness and your will to awaken the sleeping spirits within you are the things that will heal you. If
you do these simple things, no earthquake will phase you, since the illusion of death will no longer hold you tightly
in its grasp. Once your hearts are open to the love and the truths, you will know what you need to do. The honesty
of your sacred hearts and the wisdom of your awakening spirits will govern your actions.
You can, in reality, do no wrong. Yes, you have many friends. Across the infinite dimensions, we breathe with you.
The only thing that keeps you blind to the multitudes who rejoice in your being is your fear. We do not judge you.
God does not judge you. Your judges live in your hearts, governed by your beliefs. Get to know them, intimately,
so that you may finally learn to judge dispassionately your actions, and not your Selves.