Why Disco?
What does Disco have to do with this place?
Well, my chat handle is disco'soutmurder'sin.
And you thought I had Boogie Fever! :)
Disco for short. It's from a Suicidal Tendencies
song. "Disco's Out, Murder's In"... get it?
Anyways, about 99.8% of the time I spend on-line
is in chat. Which helps to explain why this place is
developing so slowly.
I hang out at WBS (WebChat Broadcasting System)
most of the time.
Sometimes I hang at SEMO (Southeastern Missouri
Both are pretty cool chat places and I have met
MANY friends on-line.
Well, now that you know what's up with "Disco"..
go back, surf the rest of the zones & sign my
guestbook!!! I command thee!!!!
um.. please?
© 1997 damon@primenet.com