IRELAND (& Scotland, two!)

July 20 - August 17, 2003

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Glendalough, in the Wicklow mountains near Dublin

Rinsing off in the River Shannon, after peat bog races

A ruin, I forget the name, near the River Shannon

A poor man's confessional

The view from Dun Aengus, Inishmor

The Burren

Doolin's main street

The gals from my dorm in Doolin.  Sorry about the focus, but it WAS a rather blurry night...

The lovely Cliffs of Moher

Beach and fog on the Dingle Peninsula

Semi-portage during the 14-mile boat trip to the Gap of Dunloe

The Gap of Dunloe

Looking down from Blarney castle

Kissing the Blarney stone is the most touristy-stupid thing I've ever done.  It's supposed to give you the gift of gab, but I certainly don't need that.  I need a stone that gives you the gift of knowing when to shut the heck up.

Tower at St. Canices Cathedral, Kilkenny

Nightlife in Kilkenny

Climbing Queen Maeve's Tomb with the Tir na nOg Tour Group

Michael from Australia listening raptly to Shane, our hunky guide.  Note the plain brown paper bag in his hand.  Therein was our reward for climbing to the top while hungover.

Group shot at Griannan an Ailleach fort, en route to Derry.

Michael removing Carly's navel ring with my Leatherman Tool.  I knew that thing would come in handy SOMEtime.  Unfortunately, my battery died right then, the film didn't advance, and I got some weird double-exposure thing going on...

One of the many murals in Derry

The Giants Causeway

The view from a bouncing rope bridge.  Shane warned me to save some panoramic film for this spot, but, alas, I didn't and I regret it now.  It was an amazing place.

A Northern Ireland police car.  Yes, it was illegal to take this picture.

A Belfast mural, memorializing people killed by so-called "safe" plastic bullets.  The taxi driver showed us some of these bullets, different versions that have been used over time.  Each new version is supposed to be safer, but strangely enough each new version is made of a much harder material than its predecessor.


The waterfall Sir Walter Scott describes in Rob Roy, near the cave where Rob Roy hid from the English.  Loch Lomond.

Lovely Perth, on the River Tay

The Hammer Toss at the Highland Games in Perth

Oban's bay at sunset

Ellenabeich, near Oban

Beach on the west end of Mull

The Isle of Staffa, Scotland's end of the Giants Causeway

The funky rock formations of Staffa

The beach on Iona island.

The view from the bus across Mull

Glen Coe, as seen from a waterfall near the hostel (one-hour's walk).

The spot of my dreams.  Literally.

The ladies from the Glen Coe Youth Hostel, enjoying "the band."

Said "band."

Doing the hour-long hike to the bus with my small but heavy pack.

A Fringe Festival street performer in Edinburgh.  Wheee!

Edinburgh's famed Military Tattoo.

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