Why does the hurt stay?
I thought I could let you go…..
Let you spread your wings and fly….
To find the “one” to give you
what I was incapable of giving you
at the time.

I even talked myself into believing that I didn’t love you anymore
I chose to look at the bad in the relationship,
The insecurities, the tears, the harsh words,
Believing those that set out to destroy us.

Not remembering the smile on my face
and in my heart when we would spend those precious
moments together. Moments I lived for, moments I cherished.
Moments I now long for once again.

Not remembering how my heart used to skip a beat
whenever I would hear your voice, see your words,
Your words of complete devotion and love.
The intense feeling of love that welled inside of me
whenever you entered my thoughts…
whenever you entered my dreams.

Not remembering the excitement of touching you,
Of the first time I kissed your lips.
Of the first time I felt your body pressed close to mine
Saying my name as you made love to me.

Holding you as you wept.
Stroking your hair, holding you so close to me.
Feeling your heart, a heart so full of love and care.

And now, you have flown away with the wings
I encouraged you to use.
And now, you have found her…..
to give the love you once gave to me.

Why did I give you those wings to fly to her
when it was me that longed for you?

Why does the hurt stay?

- Renee Annette Kurpgeweit

Never before or since have I known a love such as the one we shared.
Never before or since have I known greater happiness and fulfillment.